Walah... kirain Rojak masuk.

Kalah tipis doang ama GMAN.

Terus semangat Jak,... sapa tau taon depan masuk.

PS : Bu Fifi,... Kok Boss Oentoeng ga masuk...? padahal beliau cukup piawai 
mengenai dunia hitamnya BEI. Mungkin beliau adalah satu2nya di OB.


"In Te Domine, Speravi Non Confundar In Aeternum"

From: fifi young <fifiyoun...@gmail.com>
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, December 22, 2009 7:10:44 PM
Subject: [ob] 10 Most Wanted Person in OB...


WANTED person in OB:
1.     Mbah             : his passion, his wisdom, his accuracy, his power to 
establish the most powerful mail-lists ever exist. And yet…
he remains a secret to everyone.
2.     JT                     : Raja Copet…there’s no other
title better than this one for him. He is sneaky in terms of stealing BD’s
money, ooops…stocks trader, I mean; and he has such a tremendous power to move
his followers…when he’s on air, you bet everyone is watching with pounding
heart beats…
3.    Elaine              : Even though she’s off the air
right now, but for what she has contributed to OB, her superpower to maneuver 
of her followers, makes her indeed to be the QUEEN of OB. Please come home,
4.    DE                    : his wisdom, precise
analysis, sometimes too stingy to give his clues… but he’s a funny guy with 
high sense of humor; he’s the Jay Leno of OB. A “LAUGH” medicine psychiatrist
that doesn’t give you any prescription to laugh until you’re wet…
5.    Tasrul              : a low profile, doesn’t say much
but he could give you the best technical analysis amongst all the best.
6.    Hans                : another low profile, a very
trust-worthy individual, empowered with technical analysis, someone you can
count on…
7.    A9                    : used to be the General of his
armies, tremendous impact has also created overwhelmingly joyfulness. But his
mission wasn’t accomplished to the last frontier, and left his soldiers stranded
in nowhere land. Please restructure your battalions, General…!
8.    Billy the Kid    : this amazing kid, a rising star, blends well
with all the senior citizen; expect to be the most outstanding analysis for
years to come…
9.    Boyz                : a hidden treasure to be
explore, maybe he’s a little too shy so that he keeps his wisdom under the
closet; but he's so active when Elaine was on air...  He also possesses high 
sense of humor. Together with the other two
senior, they make a good trio kwek kwek…
10.G-Man             : Wow…! Undeniably that he brings
colors to OB. A fun and fearless Preman, just name it: BK, Ratu Sima, Rojak…
none of them can overcome his attacks… his clever and fierce emotions, entitles
him to be one of the most wanted persons in OB. I can't wait to see him get on 
the ring versus Rojak... hihi...

Honestly, there are so much interesting persons in OB...
OB is my second home, I can't live without you now... ayaya.....



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