Jadi selama ini Coal Miners yang paling bermanfaat bagi Negara ( in term of 
effective tax rate percentage) sesuai urutan adalah:

I.    ADRO



iv.    BUMI 


From: Bagus Putra Perdana <disclosure....@gmail.com>
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, January 6, 2010 10:27:09 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Laba bersih BUMI melampaui konsensus

Yang Paling Menarik dari hasil rilisan data keuangan Q3 2009 ini adalah 
Effective TaxRate BUMI inevitably kini jadi sama kayak temen2 coal minersnya... 
, mungkin karena tekanan Kasus kemarin. the tricks no longer played aloud.

PreTax Income BUMI hingga Q3 2009 adalah 666,56 Juta Dollar
Tax Paid Nya 173,5 Juta Dollar
Effective Tax Rate Q3 09 BUMI 26 %

Profil Historikal Tax Rate BUMI sebelumnya "unik" dan agak beda dengan Coal 
Miners lainnya

PreTax Inc BUMI 2007 854,9 Juta Dollar
Tax Paid 2007 14.6 Juta Dollar
Effective Tax Rate BUMI 2007 1.7%

PreTax Inc BUMI 2008 1032,7 Juta Dollar
Tax Paid 2008 90 Juta Dollar
Effective Tax Rate BUMI 2008 8.7%

sementara profil taxrate Coal Miners lain rata2 sekitar 28-30% sama sesuai 
taxrate kebanyakan perusahaan.

Bukit Asam PreTax 2007 1009 Milyar Rupiah
Bukit Asam Tax Paid 2007 282.75 Milyar Rupiah
Effective Tax Rate Bukit Asam 2007 28%

Bukit Asam PreTax 2008 2552 Milyar Rupiah
Bukit Asam Tax Paid 2008 837.06 Milyar Rupiah
Effective Tax Rate Bukit Asam 2008 32.8%

Indo Tambang Raya PreTax 2007 88 Juta Dollar
Indo Tambang Raya Tax Paid 2007 31.62 Juta Dollar
Effective Tax Rate IndoTambangRaya 2007 35.9%
Indo Tambang Raya PreTax 2008 345.68 Juta Dollar
Indo Tambang Raya TaxPaid 2008 110.75 Juta Dollar
Effective Tax Rate IndoTambangRaya 2008 32%
Adaro Energy Pretax 2007 947 Milyar Rupiah
Adaro Energy Tax Paid 2007 657 Milyar Rupiah
Effective Tax Rate Adaro Energy 2007 69.3%
Adaro Energy Pretax 2008 2925 Milyar Rupiah
Adaro Energy Tax Paid 2008 1601 Milyar Rupiah
Effective Tax Rate Adaro Energy 2008 54.7%

asumsi treatment akuntansi dan model bisnis serta industri yang serupa. pada 
jangka panjang mungkin semua coal-miners yang sudah terbuka taxratenya akan 
berkisar 28-30%. 

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Jacob Oen <oenja...@yahoo. com> wrote:

>Based on RTI report, the following were BUMI's EPS (in US$) trend:
>Q3-2007, => 0.0436 
>Q3-2008, => 0,0254 
>Q3-2009, => 0,0190
>what is the conclusion?? ?......Kemampuan BUMI mencetak laba dari tahun ke 
>tahun menurun, belum lagi ditambah HUTANG (debt) yang menggunung untuk 
>tahun-tahun ke depan.
From: robbie fowler <fowlerid500@ yahoo.com>
>To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
>Sent: Wed, January 6, 2010 8:53:24 AM
>Subject: Re: [ob] Laba bersih BUMI melampaui konsensus
>0.019 us$(eps)
>--- On Tue, 1/5/10, Matt Nowo <inf...@gmail. com> wrote:
>>From: Matt Nowo <inf...@gmail. com>
>>Subject: Re: [ob] Laba bersih BUMI melampaui konsensus
>>To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
>>Date: Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 5:28 PM
>>Tks infonya pak. Mhn dicek kembali EPS nya pak. Sptnya overstated. Tks again
>>Sent from my BearBerry®
>>powered by ISAT TLKM

>>From: "-Candra Wu" <wu_can...@yahoo. com> 
>>Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2010 01:24:09 +0000
>>To: OB<obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
>>Subject: [ob] Laba bersih BUMI melampaui konsensus
>>Kinerja BUMI per Sep 2009:
>>Pendapatan 2.330,24
>>Laba usaha. 705,36
>>Laba bersih. 360,22
>>EPS (US$). 19,03

Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the 
complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact, everything 
we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that we do not know 
all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only to be unlearned 
again or, more likely, to be corrected... ....The test of all knowledge is 
experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”. - Richard 


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