IMF: Global economy recovering but stimulus needed

(WASHINGTON) The world economy is recovering at a healthy pace but still needs 
government stimulus efforts to keep it going, the International Monetary Fund 
said Tuesday.

The IMF raised its forecast for world economic growth in 2010 to nearly 4 
percent, up from an estimate of 3.1 percent last October. It expects the U.S. 
economy to grow by 2.7 percent this year, significantly higher than its 
previous forecast of 1.5 percent.

But with unemployment high in many countries and credit tight, the recovery in 
the United States and other advanced economies "is still expected to be weak by 
historical standards," the IMF said in a quarterly update of its World Economic 

The IMF's forecast for the United States is similar to many estimates by 
private economists. The nation's gross domestic product, the broadest measure 
of economic output, grew at a 2.2 percent rate in last year's third quarter, 
after contracting for four straight quarters in the recession.

Most economists believe that growth picked up in the October-December quarter 
to a 4.5 percent to 5 percent pace. Much of that growth, however, likely 
resulted from government efforts to support the housing sector and broader 
economy, as well as rebuilding of inventories by manufacturers.

As that activity fades, growth is expected to slow in the first half of this 
year. The U.S. government's first estimate of fourth quarter GDP will be 
released Friday.

The IMF also projected that the 15 nations that use the euro would grow by 1 
percent in 2010, up from its 0.3 percent estimate in October. It kept its 
estimate for Japan the same, at 1.7 percent growth.

It forecast China's growth this year at 10 percent, and said "key emerging 
economies in Asia are leading the global recovery."

A "key risk" to the recovery "is that a premature and incoherent exit" from the 
low interest rates set by many central banks and other stimulus programs "may 
undermine global growth," the IMF said.

The recovery "is off to a stronger start than anticipated," the IMF said, but 
"there are still few indications" that business and consumer demand is 
sufficient to replace government supports.

In addition, bank lending "is likely to remain sluggish," the fund said, as 
banks seek to rebuild capital and are experiencing additional losses in 
commercial real estate.

Other risks to the recovery include large government budget deficits, which the 
IMF said could "unsettle financial markets" and lead to higher interest rates 
for consumers and companies.

Still, governments should continue with stimulus programs already in place for 
2010, the IMF said.

And central banks "can afford" to keep short-term interest rates low for the 
rest of the year, providing another crucial support to economic growth, as 
inflation is likely to remain low for the forseeable future, the IMF said.

The IMF provides loans and other assistance to troubled countries and has 186 
member nations. It also performs economic analysis and monitoring.

by The Associated Press -



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