Musim belanja JT, makan terus asal jangan sampe muntah ajeee, nah disitu 
perlunya MM hehehe... 

GBUs Always,


Sent from my BlackBerry ® Wireless Device

-----Original Message-----
From: "JT" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 16:49:45 
To: <>
Subject: RE: [ob] RE: [JT] B U M I

Kalo besok merah lagi., mabok bareng kita..., hehe


From: []
On Behalf Of Bozz Traders
Sent: 27 Januari 2010 16:46
To: Obrolan Bandar (OB)
Subject: Re: [ob] RE: [JT] B U M I


Ane hari ini bnyk CL jadi mau nya 

Ayo ngebirrrrrrr ......... Ngebirrrrr


Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerryR The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in


From: "JT" <> 

Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 16:17:51 +0700

To: <>; <>

Subject: [ob] RE: [JT] B U M I



Sementara Support Gap masih bisa menahan tekanan jual.., namun tidak
terlihat ada serangan balik hari ini.. sepertinya  hari ini Big Brother
hanya ambil strategy defensive, mempersilahkan some big guys untuk check


Ngupi dulu ngupiiiii...  J 




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