Betul bro david...
Ver 464 masih beta..., tapi review dari teman² pengguna layak untuk dicoba...

Gut lak 

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-----Original Message-----
From: David Lau <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 14:14:49 
To: <>
Subject: Bls: [ob] Bli Indra & Pakar BB: Bold Ganti Onyx

Yg 464 itu kan masih leaked.

Yg bener2 official itu baru 411 aja dr Bell Mobility.

Nih link yg official :
Link mirror :


"Cuan Boleh Sendiri, Kalo Nyangkut Mesti Bareng"

Dari: r.e.t.h.a.™ <>
Kepada: OB <>
Terkirim: Ming, 31 Januari, 2010 13:08:37
Judul: Re: [ob] Bli Indra & Pakar BB: Bold Ganti Onyx

Thanks Pak :)


"Positive emotions could cause us to fail to apply risk precautions. Negative 
emotion could cause us to hesitate."

-----Original Message-----
From: "dho" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 02:33:21 
To: Milis OB<>
Subject: Re: [ob] Bli Indra & Pakar BB: Bold Ganti Onyx

AFAIK OS bold ver 411 sdh cukup stabil bu...
Dan sdh banyak yg meng official kan OS tsb..., masalah restart sdh 
terselesaikan di ver ini..., dari diskusi di milis BB, OS 411 ada bug di 
memori... Which is sdh diperbaiki di ver 464...

Berikut link bold 9000 OS 500464 

Dwyor, Gut lak....

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