Tawaran Nin tetap di 2512, Jend.

With warmest regards,

Nin & Club-9The Winning Trader Club
http://club9saham.blogspot.com/ facebook: Nindya Gracia   
***Injustice flourishes not because there are too many bad guys out there 
but because there are too many good guys who do not want to fight for 

--- On Fri, 2/5/10, A9 <artomo...@yahoo.co.id> wrote:

From: A9 <artomo...@yahoo.co.id>
Subject: [ob] Kalo Ihsg 2520 jebol ngapain kite ?
To: "Ob" <obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Friday, February 5, 2010, 4:17 AM

Buy more or kabur yg kenceng...?

Ada ide..?

A9 : Hope by rule,  trade by instinct ™  


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