index turun di tengah makin banyaknya news2 positif FA Indonesia...grafik index 
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--- Pada Jum, 5/2/10, Anggodo bintang Lima <> menulis:

Dari: Anggodo bintang Lima <>
Judul: [ob] Reuters: Will Boediono and Indrawati keep their jobs? If not,
Tanggal: Jumat, 5 Februari, 2010, 12:17 PM


ALLERT...... .

AKARTA, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Indonesia's improved economic outlook prompted a 
sovereign ratings upgrade by Fitch last week to one notch below investment 
grade, but the risk that reforms are stifled by powerful vested interests may 
hit markets.
Sovereign 5-year credit default swaps for Indonesia IDGV5YUSAC=R are trading at 
a spread of 184.00 basis points, compared to a weighted average of 134.40 for 
the Thomson Reuters Emerging Asia Index. Indonesia's spread has narrowed below 
the Philippines' sovereign CDS spread of 184.75, implying it is now seen as a 
lower default risk than the Philippines.
Following is a summary of key Indonesia risks to watch:
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, returned to a second term after a decisive 
election win last July, is widely regarded as a progressive, market-friendly 
reformer. Many investors hoped that his second term would see a faster pace of 
reform, and hopes were raised when he announced a cabinet in October that 
included top technocrats Sri Mulyani Indrawati and Mari Pangestu in the key 
economic posts, with a new presidential delivery unit headed by Kuntoro 
Mangkusubroto and another technocrat, Boediono, as vice president. But so far, 
the evidence suggests his second term will, like the first, move slowly in 
implementing reform.
Controversy over the bailout of a small bank last year may also damage reform 
prospects. Parliament is investigating the rescue of Bank Century, which had 
been backed by Indrawati and Boediono, and some lawmakers are calling for one 
or both of them to be replaced. So far Yudhoyono has given the pair his 
backing, and their supporters say the controversy is being exploited by 
Indonesia's corrupt old guard to try to halt reforms that could weaken their 
privileges. How the struggle plays out will be crucial in determining the pace 
of reforms. [ID:nJAK477288]
What to watch:
-- Will Boediono and Indrawati keep their jobs? If not, and particularly if 
they are replaced by politicians linked to the old business elites, it will be 
a strong signal that reform prospects are evaporating. That would spark some 
capital outflow, hitting stocks .JKSE, the rupiah IDRX= and bond prices in the 
short-run, and also make Indonesia less attractive to long-term investors. 
However, healthy fundamentals and a large and growing domestic consumer base 
would still provide reasons to invest in Indonesia even if reform prospects are 
dimming. [ID:nJAK527883]
-- Will Yudhoyono become embroiled in the scandal? Local media have reported 
that among the bank's depositors were several wealthy businessmen who later 
donated money to his re-election campaign. The president denies wrongdoing and 
there seems no immediate likelihood he will be impeached. If that changes, 
Indonesian assets are likely to face a sharp sell-off.
Corruption has emerged as a defining issue at the start of Yudhoyono's second 
term, with popular anger mounting over a power struggle between the respected 
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the attorney-general' s office and 
police. The KPK has made significant progress in investigating corrupt 
officials, but this has stirred powerful opposition. Yudhoyono has vowed to 
back the anti-corruption drive but has so far appeared very cautious about 
taking more decisive action. [ID:nnJAK470187]
What to watch:
-- Pace of reform of Indonesia's civil service, police and courts. Yudhoyono's 
cautious response to the power struggle over the KPK suggests he will move much 
more slowly than markets had hoped, confirming his reputation for preferring 
gradual change to bold, sweeping reform. Investors betting on more decisive 
reform during Yudhoyono's second term have had to adjust expectations.
-- Investor perceptions of progress in tackling corruption. In Transparency 
International' s 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index, Indonesia's ranking 
improved to 111th out of 180 countries from 126th the previous year. But recent 
events may cause investors to re-evaluate their optimism. Markets would not see 
much immediate impact, but longer-term investment would suffer.
The rupiah was Asia's best-performing currency in 2009 with a gain of 17 
percent against the dollar, threatening Indonesia's export competitiveness. 
Memories are also still raw of the 1998 Asian crisis, widely blamed in 
Indonesia on foreign "hot money" suddenly being yanked from the country. The 
central bank says it will keep intervening to stem the rupiah's gains. 
Late last year the senior deputy governor said Bank Indonesia was studying the 
possibility of curbing foreign ownership of its short-term debt, sparking 
speculation about tighter capital controls. With Indonesia attracting 
increasing interest from foreign investors -- and with the Fitch upgrade likely 
to give inflows a further boost -- the country may decide it has to impose 
controls to protect exports and tame hot money.
What to watch:
-- Data on exports and speculative inflows. If problems seem likely, expect 
controls to be tightened. Draconian measures which send investors fleeing to 
the exits are unlikely -- measures would be aimed at directing flows, rather 
than halting them, so any negative impact on asset prices would be relatively 
muted. But the issue can still spook markets -- the rupiah suffered its biggest 
one-day sell-off in nine months last November due to mixed signals on capital 
controls. [ID:nHKG263506]
Suicide bombings at two luxury hotels in Jakarta last July were the first major 
terror attacks in Indonesia since 2005 and raised concerns that the threat from 
militants was again on the rise. The killing of Noordin Mohammad Top and other 
key figures -- including the man who recruited the two suicide bombers for the 
attacks in July -- may significantly reduce that threat. Analysts warn, 
however, that other dangerous militants remain at large and further attacks 
cannot be ruled out.
What to watch:
-- Ability of militants to regroup and launch more attacks. Particularly if 
remaining militants are able to establish firm enough links with al Qaeda to 
secure sustained funding, expertise and recruits, the threat may be far from 
over. But Indonesia's markets have proven highly resilient to bomb attacks. 
Unless there is a significant and sustained deterioration in security, any 
sell-off would be small and short-term. [ID:nSP545301]
Many analysts worry that Indonesia's recent progress towards greater political 
and economic stability has been very reliant on the personal popularity and 
power of Yudhoyono. If anything were to happen to him, much of Indonesia's 
recent gains could unravel. He has no obvious successor with the support base 
and drive to continue the reform process. And if popular anger over corruption 
and the Bank Century issue significantly undermine his popularity, the 
perception among investors that Indonesia's political stability has greatly 
improved would be threatened.
(Compiled by Andrew Marshall and Sara Webb) 

http://www.reuters. com/article/ idINSGE6102LG201 00201?rpc= 44

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