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Dari: JsxSniper <>
Kepada: Obrolan bandar <>
Terkirim: Sel, 9 Februari, 2010 20:07:21
Judul: [ob] Euro Rallies on Greek Aid Speculation; U.S. Futures Advance

Feb. 9 (Bloomberg) -- The euro rallied and emerging-market stocks recovered 
from the worst three-day slide in a year on speculation Greece will get 
European help to tackle its budget deficit. U.S. stock-index futures advanced. 

The euro strengthened 0.6 percent against the dollar at 7:28 a.m. in New York, 
snapping four days of declines, and ended a three-day drop against the yen. The 
MSCI Emerging Markets Index added 1 percent after falling 6.1 percent in the 
past three sessions. Futures on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index increased 0.7 
percent. Greece’s ASE Index rose 2.9 percent, rebounding from four days of 

European Union leaders will discuss Greece’s plans to reduce the region’s 
biggest deficit when they meet Feb. 11, and European Central Bank President 
Jean-Claude Trichet’s decision to leave a meeting of policy makers in Sydney 
one day early fanned speculation that officials will agree on aid. European 
Commission President Jose Barroso said investors would be wrong to bet against 
the euro. 

“The markets are smelling a deal for Greece, and for that reason, we’re seeing 
some stabilization,” said Robin Marshall, director of fixed income in London at 
Smith & Williamson Investment Management, which oversees about $20 billion. 
“It’s hard to see there not being one, given the potential fallout and 
contagion effect.” 

Yen, Pound 

The 16-nation currency climbed as much as 0.7 percent against the dollar, its 
biggest gain since Jan. 11. The euro appreciated 1 percent versus the yen and 
0.6 percent compared with the British pound. 

Greek banks led the gains in European stocks as National Bank of Greece SA, the 
nation’s biggest lender, surged 3.6 percent in Athens, while Alpha Bank AE 
jumped 6.9 percent. The 10-year Greek government bond rose, with the yield 
falling 9 basis points to 6.67 percent. 

Taiwan shares led the advance among major emerging markets, with the benchmark 
Taiex index climbing 2 percent. Developing- nation currencies strengthened, led 
by a 0.7 percent advance in South Korea’s won against the dollar and a 1 
percent increase in Poland’s zloty versus the euro. 

The gain in U.S. futures indicated the S&P 500 may rebound from yesterday’s 0.9 
percent drop. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed yesterday below 10,000 
for the first time since November on concern deteriorating European government 
finances will hurt economies elsewhere. 

European Stocks 

The MSCI World Index of 23 developed nations’ stocks added 0.1 percent, ending 
four days of losses. Europe’s Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index climbed 0.1 percent. 
Swatch Group AG rallied 6 percent in Zurich as the maker of Omegas posted 
better-than- estimated earnings. 

Gains in Europe were limited as Unibail-Rodamco SE, Europe’s largest 
shopping-center owner, dropped 5.3 percent in Paris after saying the recession 
curbed growth in rental income. SAS AB plummeted 22 percent in Stockholm as the 
owner of the Nordic region’s largest airline reported a loss. The MSCI Asia 
Pacific Index added 0.3 percent, gaining for the first time in four days. 
Nissan Motor Co. rose 2.4 percent after predicting a return to profit this 
fiscal year, scrapping an earlier loss estimate. 

Treasuries fell for the first time in four days as the government prepared to 
sell record-tying amounts of three-, 10- and 30-year bonds this week, starting 
with $40 billion of 2013 notes today. The yield on the 10-year note rose 4 
basis points to 3.60 percent. 

Copper advanced 1.1 percent to $6,519.75 a metric ton in London, leading gains 
in industrial metals. Gold for immediate delivery added 1 percent to $1,073.35 
an ounce. Crude oil advanced 1.1 percent to $72.69 a barrel in New York 

To contact the reporter for this story: Justin Carrigan in London at 

Sent from Bloomberg for Blackberry. Download it from the Blackberry App World!

-One shoot-


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