Fed's Bernanke to Assure Congress Higher Rates Not Imminent
By Craig Torres and Jerry Hart

Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke will
probably assure Congress that the central bank is mindful of the lack of
job growth in the U.S. and an increase in the benchmark interest rate
isn't imminent after the Fed's decision to raise the cost of
direct loans to banks.

The Fed chief will deliver his semi-annual report on the economy and
interest rates to House and Senate panels Feb. 24- 25. Fed officials
last month forecast growth of 2.8 percent to 3.5 percent this year, and
minutes of their January meeting showed they are seeking more evidence
the recovery is sustainable.

New York Fed President William Dudley indicated yesterday that policy
makers need to focus now on maintaining growth rather than fighting
inflation, citing a smaller-than-forecast increase in the consumer-price
index for January reported by the Labor Department. Another measure of
prices, which excludes energy and food, dropped for the first time since

"Monetary policy is about the economy," Dudley, a voting member
of the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee, told reporters after
a speech in San Juan, Puerto Rico. "We need to see solid growth and
job creation."

Consumer prices rose 0.2 percent in January from December, and so-called
core prices unexpectedly fell 0.1 percent. The report "showed
there's no inflation pressure," Dudley said. "So our focus
needs to be on growth and jobs."

The Fed on Feb. 18 said its decision to increase the discount rate by a
quarter-point to 0.75 percent represented a "normalization" of
lending rather than a change in policy. Officials also repeated that
economic conditions warrant low levels in the federal funds rate
"for an extended period."

That's a phrase Bernanke is likely to repeat to lawmakers next week,
said Ethan Harris, head of economics for North America at Bank of
America Merrill Lynch.

`Real Healing'

"He is going to say it over and over again," Harris said.
"Fed tightening doesn't happen until there is real healing in
the job market, and the job market hasn't even turned positive."

U.S. stocks erased losses yesterday after the consumer- price report
eased concern that the Fed will need to raise its benchmark rate to
fight inflation.

The Standard & Poor's 500 Index rose 0.2 percent to close at
1,109.17 in New York after earlier declining as much as 0.5 percent. The
Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.1 percent to 10,402.35.

"The Fed is aware of the risk of higher inflation," said Dan
Greenhaus, chief economic strategist at Miller Tabak & Co. LLC in New
York. "But that concern is counter-balanced by the belief that the
unemployment rate is likely to stay high for 2010."

Exaggerated Expectations

Fed Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard said expectations for a
rate increase were exaggerated.

"The idea that's in markets that there's a high probability
that we'll raise rates later this year is overblown," Bullard
said in response to audience questions after a speech in Memphis,
Tennessee Feb. 18. "There's also some probability, maybe more,
that this will extend into 2011."

Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart told a Georgia business audience
the same day that policy "remains accommodative." Fed Governor
Elizabeth Duke, speaking in Norfolk, Virginia, said the steps "do
not signal any change in the outlook for monetary policy."

In a press release accompanying the discount rate increase, the
56-year-old Fed chairman and his colleagues at the Board of Governors
took care to say the outlook for monetary policy "remains about as
it was" when the FOMC met in January.

`Downside Risks'

Minutes of the January meeting reflect Dudley's comments that the
world's largest economy, while improving, still faces "some
significant downside risks."

Business contacts expressed "great reluctance to build inventories,
increase payrolls, and expand capacity," the minutes said. Officials
forecast average unemployment of 9.5 percent to 9.7 percent in the final
three months of the year, little improvement from the current 9.7
percent rate.

Dudley repeated that increasing the discount rate is the central
bank's last step in ending emergency liquidity for markets and not a
signal the Fed is prepared to tighten credit.

"Think of this as the last adjustment tied to the end of all the
liquidity facilities," Dudley told reporters. "Think of this as
the last piece of that package, rather than the first piece of a new

Emergency Facilities

U.S. central bankers closed four emergency lending facilities this month
and are preparing to reverse or neutralize the more than $1 trillion in
excess bank reserves they have pumped into the banking system. The
discount-rate increase will encourage banks to borrow in private markets
rather than from the Fed, the statement said.

Before August 2007, the discount rate was set at one percentage point
above the federal funds rate. As subprime mortgage defaults began to
ripple through the financial system in August 2007, the Fed reduced the
spread to half a percentage point.

The Fed has kept the benchmark rate for overnight lending between banks
in a range of zero to 0.25 percent since December 2008. Dudley said the
Fed won't necessarily restore the original spread between the
discount rate and the federal funds rate.

"We don't have a clear goal that 50 or 100 basis points will be
the final resting place," he said. "We felt 25 points wasn't
appropriate once we got to a situation where bank liquidity had returned
and banks could borrow from each other more easily."

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