
Yang punya Bumianyar bisa marah

Rock and roll with the Tiger

-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Earwicker <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 20:33:43 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] Re: Definition: Private Placement (BSDE)

Apa karena namanya pake "BUMI" serpong damai?

Keknya nama bumi bo hokie ya..hehehe

Hepi wiken all.....

On 2/25/10, Vernichtung <> wrote:
> Kalau founder/pemilik saham mayoritas mau jual sahamnya dibawah harga pasar
> dan dipublikasikan secara gamblang macam gini pasti ada udang dibalik batu,
> apakah ada yg tidak beres dengan BSDE? ataukah prospek kedepannya buruk
> sehingga founder putus asa begitu sampai jual sahamnya di harga diskon
> besar? Btw kelihatannya belum ada laporannya ke BEI yah.
> On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Dean Earwicker
> <>wrote:
>> *From Wikipedia:
>> Private placement* (or non-public offering) is a funding
>> round<>of
>> securities <> which are
>> sold without a initial public
>> offering<>,
>> usually to a small number of chosen private
>> investors<>
>> .[1] <> In the
>> United
>> States <>, although these
>> placements are subject to the Securities Act of
>> 1933<>,
>> the securities offered do not have to be registered with the Securities
>> and Exchange
>> Commission<>if
>> the issuance of the securities conforms to an exemption from
>> registrations as set forth in the Securities Act of
>> 1933<>and SEC rules
>> promulated thereunder. Private placements may typically
>> consist of stocks <>,
>> shares<>of common stock or
>> preferred stock or other forms of membership interests,
>> warrants <> or
>> promissory notes (including convertible promissory notes), and purchasers
>> are often institutional
>> investors<>such as
>> banks <>, insurance
>> companies<>or pension
>> funds <>.
>> Jadi Private Placement itu mirip secondary IPO, tetapi pembelinya sudah
>> ditentukan, biasanya institusi. Jika dilihat pada chart dibawah, asing
>> ada di BSDE. Apakah nyangkut? Tampaknya sih iya ya, karena asing tampak
>> agresif buy di >800.
>> *Disclaimer: *
>> BSDE saat ini terkoreksi tajam, CAN be a buying opportunity, *tunggu
>> sinyal TA.*
>> [image:
>> ?ui=2&view=att&th=12703f0506f174a0&attid=0.1&disp=attd&realattid=ii_12703f0506f174a0&zw]

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