AGM and gas supply cost jitters


§     The market is getting nervous regarding PGAS on the back of:

Þ      Uncertainty surrounding the election of management at tomorrow's AGM.

Þ      Concern that gas supply costs will increase materially on the back of 
higher gas prices from Pertamina (they are proposing a price of US$3.5-4.0 per 
MMBTU versus the current price of US$2.5).

§     In summary, we believe the risk-reward trade-off is favourable.


§     Where there is smoke .there is fire - Market speculation suggests that we 
are likely to see a significant change in the board composition. However, it is 
likely that several of the candidates will be internal promotions, who could be 
viewed as unproven by the market. On balance, we see a change in management as 
an opportunity for improved corporate governance.

§     Market overly-concerned on gas supply contract - The market is concerned 
that Pertamina will raise its gas price unilaterally. It is important to note 
that this is only for one contract which has a repricing clause (as all other 
contracts are fixed price) and it includes a transmission element (so analysts 
shouldn't extrapolate this price). If agreed - this has the potential for 
immaterial downgrades to 2007, 2008 and 2009 earnings of only 4%, 3% and 1%, 
respectively.  Furthermore, we forecast new gas supply contracts to be signed 
at US$4 per MMBTU. Therefore - we could actually see an upgrade to earnings if 
new contracts are signed at under US$4 per MMBTU.

Earnings revision

§     No change.

Price catalyst

§     12-month price target: Rp12,000 based on a PER methodology.

§     Catalyst: 1) Increasing gas supply in July to 170 MMSCFD; 2) 10% price 
increase in June 2007; 3) change in board composition.

Action and recommendation

§     We believe the stock is attractively valued on 9x 2008E PER. In our view, 
the stock deserves to trade on a market multiple of 11x implying a valuation of 
Rp12,000. We have a bull case of Rp14,000 and bear case of Rp9,000. Therefore, 
the valuation risk is on the upside. Reiterate Outperform and Rp12,000 price 


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