kalo masalah severity krisis dan data, banyak data yg bisa dikasih. baik yg
dukung reason sistemik ato gak.yg bilang gak nyentuh sektor riil, saya inget
saya sampe kontak emiten di semua sektor dan semua sama, gugup, ketakutan
dan gak bisa jamin bisa keluar tanpa kerusakan berarti. order ke halt dan
banyak cancellation, estimasi biaya gak bisa dipastikan, semua outlook
direvisi ke arah yang "pahit". saya masih ada beberapa email balesan dari
investor relation yg saya tanya pada saat itu. semua ambil langkah cautious
dan menyiapkan kemungkinan terburuk. I was severely nervous with all the
reading and the development of situation, gak ada yg bisa jamin kita immune
dan semakin hari reading yg keluar semakin bikin nervous. yg saya tahu
pasti. things could have been worse, we were all scared shitless. all that
needed was a "trigger". and the closing of century could have been used as
"the trigger". we werent RATIONAL at the time. how can i be rational? all
the things we got left is only the faith to the economic team. and if that
too were broken?  who knows what would be the consequences.

dude, i'm still coldsweating recalling those days.

2010/3/7 <kokol...@yahoo.co.id>

> Bw yang ngakunya punya background ekonomi makro menganggap ga ada dampak
> sistemik, kang ocoy sebagai pelaku ekonomi menganggap sebaliknya dengan di
> sertai data..
> Kalo dr debat sebelumnya BW selalu menuntut data, saya rasa kang ocoy bisa
> memberikan data yg dimaksud..so next match bakalan BW vs Kang Ocoy neh..
> Ane pegang kang Ocoy!!!
> *sambil nungguin MU yg belum bisa bikin gol
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Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the
complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact,
everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that
we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only
to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected.......The test of all
knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”.
- Richard Feynman

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