How a Secretary Made and Gave Away $7 Million
by Robert Frank
Monday, March 8, 2010

She lived in a tiny one-bedroom cottage in Lake Forest, Ill.

She bought her clothes at rummage sales, didn't own a car and worked most of
her life as a secretary for a pharmaceutical company.
Yet after her death at age 100, Grace Groner left Lake Forest College a gift
of $7 million to be used for scholarships. The money came from three shares
of stock she bought -- and held on to -- in 1935.
"She did not have the (material) needs that other people have," William
Marlatt, her attorney and longtime friend told the Chicago Tribune. "She
could have lived in any house in Lake Forest but she chose not to....*She
enjoyed other people, and every friend she had was a friend for who she was.
They weren't friends for what she had."
*Ms. Groner's story might seem like a classic Millionaire Next Door fairy
tale -- the thrifty, conservative, hard-working saver who hoards pennies
over a lifetime to accumulate vast wealth. And that is certainly part of the
story. Aside from occasional trips, Ms. Groner was rigorously frugal due to
her Depression-era upbringing. (Not having a husband or children may have
also helped her savings rate.)

Yet the way Ms. Groner garnered her wealth was, in fact, more like one big,
lucky gamble than a lifetime of scrimping and saving.
Ms. Groner worked for 43 years as a secretary for Abbott Laboratories. In
1935, she bought three specially issued shares of Abbott for $180. She never
sold a share, even after repeated stock splits. She also kept reinvesting
the dividends. By the time of her death, she owned more than 100,000 shares
valued at about $7 million.
As David Roeder of the Chicago Sun-Times points out: "It is a grave error to
put your nest egg behind a single company, and it is worse when the company
is your employer. Groner had a winner, but others have done this with Enron,
General Motors or Bear Stearns."
The all-in-one basket strategy was, of course, a grave error for employees
of Enron and others. And financial advisers love to herald diversification,
which didn't turn out so well for many investors during the financial
But Ms. Groner's story shows that savings alone probably doesn't get you to
$7 million. It seems that loading up on a one single investment and getting
tremendously lucky over a long period of time can get you there. But don't
count on it.

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