Liburan pak? Tapi jangan ketinggalan moment window dressing penutupan semester 
satu ya...

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: James Arifin 
  Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 7:24 AM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Balasan: [saham] ANTM di down grade ke Rp 
8.500, & INCO ke Rp 45.000 ( Riset Citigroup

  karena pergerakan ANTM dan INCO sudah sideways, gue minggir dulu apalagi 
minggu depan mau jalan2 dulu ngelihat Matahari Terbit ama lagi belajar lafalin 
Anyeong Haseo yang tepat .... 

  Nevertheless, I'll be back for ANTM and INCO. Short term semua posisi close 
biar bisa jalan2 dengan tenang.
  Silakan pibu dilanjutkan antara gajah ama gajah. Untuk long term investor, 
karena Pak Eka sudah berani main ludah-ludahan, saya minggir dulu khawatir kena 
ludah sakitnya.


  On 6/15/07, bu ana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

    Booming commodity prices have been an obvious fillip for the resource plays;
    going forward, a discerning approach will be rewarded. Coal will benefit 
    ongoing strength in regional demand (and supply bottlenecks) and a sharp 
    in electricity demand domestically. Buy Bumi (TP: Rp1,780). CPO will see a
    structural supply deficit even in absentia bio-diesel, benefiting from 
    volumes and prices (Buy AALI; TP: Rp20,610), and M&A activity (Buy LSIP; TP:
    Rp9,450). However, we believe the price of Nickel has had its day; 8.5x 
    modal cash costs should see a correction in the Ni price and drag the Indo 
    down with it. Sell ANTM (TP: Rp8,500); Sell Inco (TP: Rp45,000).
    Resources ... Buy AALI & LSIP and
    Dump ANTM and INCO

    geraldus oen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
      Sekarang harga Nickel turun lagi 0.48 % menjadi
      USD 39.750,-

      --- "Hambali Mr." < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

      > HALO SEMUA
      > Kalau anda percaya dengan hasil penelitian
      > Citigroup, maka jual ANTM dan INCO sekarang juga,
      > karena and akan rugi besar 
      > Disclimer
      > geraldus oen < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      > Harga Nickel jatuh dalam boss,karena
      > tahun ini surplus 1000 ton 
      > sahamnya bakal keseret lagi
      > The price of nickel will probably drop by half in
      > coming months because of increasing supply, Alan
      > Heap and Alex Tonks, Sydney-based analysts for
      > Citigroup Inc., said June 6. There will be a surplus
      > of 1,000 tons this year and 48,900 tons in 2008, the 
      > bank forecast. Supply lagged behind demand by 14,100
      > tons last year, it added. 
      > geraldus oen < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      > Harga Nickel sudah kepala tiga USD 39.800/mt,
      > sebenar lagi sampai juga ke USD 30.000
      > tin berland < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      > 201,-Ju-e 
      > Nickel saw something of a recovery in Monday's
      > premarket after a fall of several thousand dollars
      > last week, but the metal is unlikely to return to 
      > the record levels seen over the last couple of
      > months, according to one London-based trader
      > contacted by Platts. "Nickel has recovered a little
      > bit today after the selloff and fall we saw last 
      > week, prompted by the LME rule change regarding
      > lending," said the trader. "People were looking to
      > get out of their long positions after a fall of
      > almost $10,000, hence we saw a bit of profit-taking. 
      > The backwardation has gone." The trader argued that
      > it's likely that nickel will move back to a more
      > realistic level of $30,000/mt, and that it will not
      > see record levels again this year "because of the 
      > rumors of more nickel to come into warehouses." LME
      > stock levels reached 8,880 mt on Monday, up 24 mt on
      > Friday's level, while three-months London Metal
      > Exchange nickel was bid at $42,800/mt at 0831 GMT, 
      > up $600 on Friday's close. 
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