Lihat sudah minus lagi -132ton, Real stock ada yg hitung diambil dari, mudah2an dibawah 8000 ton, biar yg shorting ANTM 
mampus! :
  "....        Monday, June 25        
   Today's official LME nickel prices - cash - $17.10/lb - 3 months buyer - 
$17.06/lb (12.98% higher than 1/1/07). One reader wrote to remind us that 
nickel inventories have actually grown over the last two trading days. While 
the stock level fell by a robust 480 tonnes overnight, cancelled warrants fell 
even harder, by 528 tonnes. This gives us a "net stock level" of 8,142 tonnes 
today, up from 8,094 tonnes on Friday, and 7,992 on Thursday. On the physical 
side, no LME warehouses showed receiving any additional nickel Friday, but 
Busan shipped 144 tonnes, and Rotterdam shipped out 336 tonnes. The drop in 
material sold for later shipment (cancelled warrants) is concerning as we would 
have thought with Friday's increase in price, the buyers would have jumped back 
in. Either there are buyers gambling the price will drop again, before they 
have to place their orders, or there are a very limited number of buyers. We 
expect to see fluctuations in the CW percentile in a market
 where prices are falling, or a market where demand is shrinking. If any buyers 
were holding off to buy today, they gamble did not pay off, as prices stayed on 
the upside all day. For the first day of the last week of the month, and the 
final week of the second quarter, 3 month nickel ended trading at $17.71/lb  
($39,050/tonne) (Dow Jones - more)

  Update :
          London Metal Exchange Warehouse Stocks   ( June 26 )
            Metal  Tonnes in Storage  Change from
previous day    Aluminum  829075  +1625     Copper  118950  -75     Nickel  
8418  -132     Lead  46400  +375     Zinc  72675  -425 

Saham Kuliner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Just Info from CNBC to be cautious for Nickel price to any futher slide.
  Ada beberapa pihak yang memborong nickel sehingga kelihatan stock berkurang 
dan ini yang membuat LME merubah kebijakanya. Dikuatirkan stock nickel diluar 
masih banyak yang bisa membuat harga nickel jatuh sewaktu-waktu. Who knows..
  again just info.

Eka Suwandana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                London Metal Exchange 
  Warehouse Stocks 
  ( June 25 )
            Metal  Tonnes in Storage  Change from
previous day    Aluminum  827450  +225     Copper  119025  +1200     Nickel  
8550  -480     Lead  46025  +1200     Zinc  73100  -150 Sepertinya Nickel ada 
di level kritis, bisa jadi penentuan hari ini, apakah stock bisa tembus kembali 
dibawah 8000 ton? Harga sudah balik ke level 39100$/MT utk fwd 3mth. Kalo stock 
jatuh lagi dibawah 8000ton kabar gembira utk pemilik ANTM/INCO, harga nickel 
bisa lompat !

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