canceled warrant itu berarti sama dengan barang/stok masih digudang yg sudah 
pasti dikirim keesokan harinya. Dulu 2 bulan lalau ketika harga nickel sedang 
bullish canceled warrant bisa sampai 30-50% per hari. 
  Jadi seperti kemarin canceled warrant 564 ton , so real stock level 
sebenarnya 8322, semakin besar canceled warrant semakin gampang harga naik:
  Today's beginning nickel inventory -  plus 468 = 8,886 tonnes (6.35% - 564 
tonnes cancelled warrants/ 8,322 net stock level).


Saham Lovers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
              Bang Eka, kenapa kalo cancelled warrant turun mengkhawatirkan?
  mohon penjelasannya. 

  ----- Pesan Asli ----
Dari: Eka Suwandana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Terkirim: Rabu, 27 Juni, 2007 9:59:07
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] RE: [saham] Nickel nickel nickel

      Iya saya lihat fenomena harga nickel. harga cash sudah lebih murah 
daripada yg 3 bulan cuma stock turun. Tapi yg paling khawatir canceled warrant 
turun. Minggu ini penentuan nickel , berdoa sesuai kepercayaan masing2 bagi yg 
punya ANTM /INCO semoga tidak bearish!
  Kayaknya bandar ANTM dan INCO nyangkut juga he he.
  Ini kutipan dari http://www.estainle stainless- steel-news. 
  Today's official LME nickel closing prices - cash - $17.37/lb - 3 month buyer 
- $17.42/lb (15.36% higher than 1/1/07). As the official prices reflect, at one 
point the market was selling in contango, but not for long. Backwardation was 
nearly $500/tonne for much of the day. LME nickel inventories were down again, 
although so were cancelled warrants. For a second day, no warehouses received 
any additional nickel, while Busan, South Korea shipped out 24 tonnes, and 
Rotterdam shipped out 108 tonnes. The BDI crept back up over the 6000 mark 
yesterday, registering at 6,038. Much lower than its record 6,688 on May 16th, 
but has shown steady gains since June 18th, when it registered 5,554. Consumer 
confidence fell more than forecast in the U.S. and the Fed meets tomorrow and 
Thursday to discuss possible changed to the interest rates. Today 3 month 
nickel ended the day at $17.01/lb  ($37,495/tonne) (Dow Jones - more) While the 
market ended way down, a tonne of nickel would cost a
 buyer more than yesterday, as the official cash price is primarily used for 
sales transactions. That said, it will be interesting to see if cancelled 
warrants changes tomorrow.  

Sudeswanto <samsudesyang@ sinarmassekurita> wrote:
    -----Original Message-----
From: nicholas alvin [mailto:nicholas_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] com]
Sent: 27 Juni 2007 2:00
Subject: Re: [saham] Nickel nickel nickel

      Harga nickel sekarang $16.71/lb ( $36.841/mt ), tapi kalau dilihat T.A 
  level $ 16.5  menjadi level suport yg kuat, apalagi inventorynya semakin 
  turun  mendekati 8.000 mt.
  Nickel belum ada penggantinya untuk baja anti karat,
  kalau pig iron cepat berkarat & ngak sekuat stainless steel ( mungkin
  sejenis besi di chrome )
  Jadi harga tdk dapat membohongi mutunya.
  ANTM  kayanya sudah boleh di collect di level Rp 12.500- Rp 13.000,-
  Harganya sudah kemurahan & mau stock split.
  INCO di level Rp 54.000 - Rp 56.000,-
  Harga saham ANTM & INCO paling murah di bandingkan dengan
  saham sejenis di luar negri, dan paling murah di bandingkan dgn
  saham di BEJ
  Banyak berdoa, supaya berhasil, ngak di makan bandar. 
  Ingat: Berkat Tuhanlah yg menjadikan kaya, susah payah tidak akan 

Eka Suwandana <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:
        Mudah2an level 8000ton ambrol! Itu psikologis. Kalo ambrol lagi BUY 
ANTM. Ada yg mau tahu PIG IRON seperti apa? Kebetulan di rumah saya ada 2 mobil 
Avanza, ke2nya pakai tanduk bemper belakang. Yg satu beli di Plaza Toyota, yg 
satu di toko asesoris harganya cuma separuh dari yg di Toyota. Belum satu tahun 
tanduk yg dibeli di toko asesoris berkarat sementara yg di beli di Toyota masih 
baik padahal umur tahun 2004, yg palsu tahun 2005. Ibu saya yg mining 
metallurgy bilang yg berkarat itu pig iron bukan nickel ! So I'm just thinking 
that the substitute is worse.
          London Metal Exchange Warehouse Stocks   ( June 26 )
            Metal  Tonnes in Storage  Change from
previous day    Aluminum  829075  +1625    Copper  118950  -75    Nickel  8418  
-132    Lead  46400  +375    Zinc  72675  -425

  Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.   


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