Ah portfolio ku kecil kok. Nggak sebanding la sama kalian kalian semua. Gile

Tapi emang 50% sudah dijual. Lha wong duit duit gue sih, tserah gue donk :P

It's part of my risk management control.


On 7/10/07, laksono dwighty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i asked Dean whether he has already sold his portfolios in such kind of
amounts....Baca aja gak bisa...kasih komentar pula...
kapan indeks ke 1850..? tbla ke 490..? cuma orang tolol yang gak bisa baca
chart ngomong gede... cuma orang moron yang main 5-10 lot ngomong gede....
I am always against you cause i know who you are...your financing and your
trus kapan antamke 8000? i would be more than happy to collect them all...
biasa ngeshort satu lot ya pak... kalau cuma segitu aman pak... anak sd yang
baru main saham juga ngeshortnya segitu...
honestly, i thought i can make a friend...

*James Arifin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

 katanya sudah commit nggak jualan sampai akhir tahun 2008, nggak tahan
yah antm turun terus apalagi nickel price slide terus

On 7/10/07, laksono dwighty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<ngakunyabandar%40yahoo.com>>
> hehe...dah jualan 5 lot , 10 lot atau 5000 lots each of telkom, pgas,
> antam..? wont much affect overall sentiment...thou..
> BUT, beware of july 20-24. some junior hedge funds may find their
> maturities...
> disclaimer heavily on...

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