Indeks turun bukan karena fundamental, tapi karena "politically correct"
alias "sebaiknya" bukan "seharusnya"

Karena kalau indeks tidak turun, internasional akan bertanya-tanya:

"WHAT THE [EMAIL PROTECTED] If Indonesia market refuses to go cheaper, we cant 
it. Indonesia SHOULD also has mini crash so we can buy at bargain price. We
have blew the market with news about housing crash, and people seems to
believe it. We also have declared war on everyone who has oil. All these bad
news are not just happen, they're created."

Bandar: "Yes,...master, We will.

ZP net sell CPRO, net buy TLKM.
KZ net sell PGAS, net buy TLKM
OD net sel PGAS, net buy BUMI & TLKM

See the pattern? Please give me your comment.


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