God bless you Louis, and Santa Marko !!
I wish your dreams come true.


On 7/28/07, Santa Marko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Please—what ever you do—don't even think of running to the sidelines.
> You see…
> Despite today's 311-point decline…
> Despite the market's fear of a subprime-driven real estate collapse…
> Despite the fact that oil hit $77 a barrel today…
> There's a mammoth earnings surge headed your way, and if you cash out now
> you'll MISS OUT on Wall Street's biggest money makers for the next 12
> months.
> Here's why: Despite the subprime lending worries that hit Wall Street
> right today, our research indicates this market will bounce back much higher
> than the 14,000 mark we hit last week.
> How can this be?
> Because there are too many signs that the economy is strengthening. As
> you'll see below, the consumers are back, buybacks are pushing stocks up,
> the trade deficit is improving, the indexes continue to look strong, and our
> Blue Chip Growth stocks represent the best values on Wall Street.
> When you add everything up, you'll see we're on the verge of a 3rd quarter
> earnings explosion.  That's why…
> If you have the vision to add to your positions now, you'll
> thank me 1000 times by December 31st.
> I'm Louis Navellier, and I don't know how you're playing the sell-off,
> but I do know this:   A 10,000 investment in any of my top 10 stocks could
> easily make you 50% richer in six months …as the "wall of worry" sellers run
> for cover.
> Don't buy into it! This economy is booming, and my top stocks are enjoying
> quarterly earnings growth of up to 1,407%!
> If you don't take advantage of the tremendous discounts this market it
> handing you,  you will simply kick yourself for years and find yourself
> lamenting about the money you could have made.
> Black-and-White Proof You Need
> to Be Buying Stocks—Not Selling!
> REASON No. 1
> The consumers are back!
> Just look at recently published numbers from the Michigan consumer
> sentiment index.  They rose sharply and unexpectedly to 92.4—well above
> the analysts estimate of 86.
> So it's no surprise that the Dow broke the 14,000 mark last week before
> today's subprime-driven sell off.  (Again, please use this gift-discount to
> buy more!)
> And while the June retail sales report showed a slow down, companies like
> Wal-Mart and Abercrombie & Fitch have exceeding analysts' expectations.
> However, a better indicator that consumers are back could be found in our
> top gaming stock, MGM Mirage. After all, if consumers have money to gamble,
> you know they're not only feeling richer—they are richer and spending.  Good
> news not only for the economy but also for MGM.
> Just look at MGM's numbers and I'm sure you'll agree. First-quarter
> earnings were the best in the history of the company. Diluted earnings from
> continuing operations were $0.55 per share, a 15% increase over the $0.48
> per share earned in 2006. Net revenues for the first quarter increased 9% to
> $1.9 billion.
> The stock is up 27 % over the past six months.  That's just the beginning
> of the upside I see on this one.  Which is why it rates a buy with a capital
> "B."
> MGM isn't the only stock on our buy list that's ready to surge.   As
> you'll see, my 10 new recommendations below could easily surpass MGM
> growth!
> REASON No. 2
> The economy is strengthening!
> Despite what today's 311-point decline would indicate, last week's jobs
> data reports prove the economy is still expanding.
> Payrolls were up 132,000 in June, continuing to beat economists'
> expectations. While payrolls were up just a smidgen for June, what most
> investors didn't see was the revised payroll numbers for April and May.
> They showed the creation of an additional 75,000 jobs! My research tells
> me that when the government adjusts June's numbers, we should see similar
> growth.
> When you add to that the fact that jobless claims are at a 2 -year low,
> you can begin to understand the momentum building on Wall Street and why
> Thursday's 283 -rise is just a sneak preview of what lies ahead.
> This is not only good news for the economy but also great news for all of
> the earnings giants on our buy list—four of which have gained more than 12%
> in the last 30 days.
> REASON No. 3
> Private equity race is quickening!
> Have you been watching the news?
> Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) announced that they will be going public in
> a $1.25 billion offering. Obviously, they're following Blackstone and
> raising a lot of money to take companies private.
> Why are they doing this?
> Because they see what Blackstone and we see—dozens of bargains in the
> marketplace. After all, when you consider that interest rates are still
> relatively low and P/E ratios are at 10- and 12-year lows, you couldn't ask
> for a better time to buy undervalued stocks.
> That's why Blackstone Group paid a 30% premium to take over Hilton Hotels
> private–it was simply a bargain at even that price.
> You'll be glad to know that we've identified another hotel group that's
> ripe for a takeover.  Only our stock has higher earnings growth, higher
> operating growth, and higher earnings momentum. When the takeover people
> move on this one, Hilton's 30% gain could look like a drop in the bucket.
> You'll read about it in this month's issue along with a number of takeover
> targets the sharks are looking to gobble up, all earnings giants with high
> margins and low P/Es.   Go here to read about them now.
> And that's really just half the good news!
> REASON No 4.
> The trade deficit is improving!
> Most investors missed this, but the April trade deficit narrowed by 6.2%to 
> $58.5 billion from 2006, which was a whopping $5 billion better than
> expectations.
> As a result, economists are now revising their second-quarter GDP
> estimates dramatically higher to 3.7%.
> And it's all because the falling U.S. dollar is making American products
> much more competitive around the world.
> Which is why I'm urging you to buy my top multinational stocks before
> earnings season hits full stride.  The reason is simple. The economic
> environment is perfect for them: Low interest rates, low dollar, and
> mounting worldwide growth.
> This is why our top ethanol producer is up 33% year-to-date while at the
> same time our top telecom is up 41%.  In addition, our top mining stock is
> up 115%, and our top defense stock is up 17% which, by the way, is ready to
> rock higher thanks to increased defense spending that will add billions to
> its coffers.
> These are just four of the multinational earnings monsters on our buy
> list.  If you can add anyone of them to your holdings before they report
> outstanding earnings, you could easily catch the next wave of profits.
> REASON No. 5
> There's strength throughout all the indexes, too!
> Hidden behind today's 311-point decline is the fact that the all indexes
> are up an average for the past 12 months.
> As if that weren't proof enough that this market will rebound,  NASDAQ
> closed at just 2,599—only off its six-year high of 2701.
> When the smoke settles from today's sell-off, investors will see a global
> mix of low interest rates, low inflation, high employment and renewed
> consumer spending will push this market back to new highs.
> That's why when our double-digit gainers hit—watch out!  You are going to
> see the rest of Wall Street rush in and bid our holdings higher.
> REASON No. 6
> Our Blue Chip stocks represent the best values on Wall Street!
> When you consider the average stock on our Buy List trades at less than 19
> times forecasted earnings, which is less than any of the Russell stock
> market indices, such as the Russell 1000 Growth index, you can begin to see
> why I'm so giddy about this upcoming earnings season.
> Especially when you add to that the fact that they are all on the verge of
> reporting double-digit earnings in a sea of single-digit growth.
> That's why you can begin to see why I'm telling my readers—shouting at
> them, if you will—to load up on my 10 top stocks.
> I'm convinced beyond doubt that they could hand you 50% gains in the next
> three months.

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