Secara teknikal, Dow memang ada kecenderungan naik, tetapi secara
fundamental kita harus mengetahui perkembangan perekonomian yang bisa
tersaji dalam berbagai bentuk, seperti hasil pertemuan meeting antara
senator Dodd dan Bernake kemarin, terus data Home Sales, perkembangan data
kartu kredit, kredit kendaraan, dsb. Nah silakan teman-teman membaca agenda
data perekonomian di US, Eropa, Jepang , yang notabene banyak berpengaruh
terhadap pergerakan BEJ. Untuk mengetahui detail data apa saja yang
berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan pasar saham/uang, teman2 di sini bisa
mengakses ke sini:
&month=9&year=2007> &week=1188086400&do=displayweek&month=9&year=2007


Di situ dijelaskan laporan apa saja yang akan mempengaruhi pergerakan pasar
saham/uang. Penjelasan atas masing-masing detail dengan segala implikasinya
terhadap pergerakan bursa saham juga terlampir.  







From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Yuli Triono
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J
rawan Koreksi "HATI-HATI"surfing di MArket


menurut saya malah akan terus rally, bbrp technical
aspect yg saya lihat mendukung riding the bull :
- baru breakout resistance menuju pola flag & pennant
- ditutup dekat titik tertinggi
- buy power memotong keatas sell power
- 100 poin lg menuju "golden cross" yg ditunjukkan
oleh bbrp oscilator utama : Ergodic, Cybercycle,
Williams R, CCI & dynamic momentum index.etc.
- trend ADX line terus keatas +DI menunju -DI untuk
memotong keatas
- short MACD memotong long MACD ke atas.

logikanya : tekanan jual yg rendah menjelang libur
weekend. memulai senin dgn sentimen FED akan nurunin
suku bunga.

kesimpulan saya : masih dan terus ijo royo2 !!. amin.

-salam cuan-

--- Hendra Esa Putra <hendra_boim@ <>> wrote:

> Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378
> penutupan jumat.
> Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di
> 12600, jadi udah naik +- 778 point. 
> Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik
> kesimpulan sendiri;
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Heryadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <>>
> To: obrolan-bandar@ <>
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY
> target price again on the back of strong results,
> now to Rp 630/sh.....
> . Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported
> 1H07 net income of Rp48 B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The
> reported result came in relatively in line with
> JPMorgan's and consensus estimates of
> Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively.
> Operating profit also grew strongly, up 228% Y/Y
> from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.
> . 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the
> 1Q07 results, 2Q07 net income expanded by 123% Y/Y
> and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew strongly by
> 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.
> The low interest rate and project developments have
> accelerated the revenue and profit growth during
> 1H07 and 2Q07.
> . Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT
> to Rp630: In less than a month, Bakrieland has
> managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
> Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,
> we believe the visibility of land acquisition has
> improved. We think there is a higher probability
> now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
> acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we
> incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our
> valuation and raise our June-08 PT to Rp630;
> implying 28.6% upside potential.
> . Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong
> results recorded and the better visibility of land
> acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
> Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of
> Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV
> methods. Risks are: (1) an unexpected interest rate
> hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum project; and
> (3) delay in land acquisitions.
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