Emang deviden nya berapa ya?
  saya lihat EPS nya cuma Rp. 12

Harryandy Surjadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
              bagi dividend aja koq...
nothing special...

  ----- Original Message ----
From: Salomo Gaol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 12:03:22 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] ?

  wah wah wah....
  ada apa neh?

  On 9/24/07, Sriwisnu-gmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:             
    TBLA:  Some interesting events will occur over the next coming weeks...
  Ada yang bisa confirmasi mengenai ini, ada apa yach ? akuisisi kah ?


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