Ok. Ok. got the message.

Dean Earwicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          You want news?, I'll give 
you one, soon.


ZZ: Hello?
DE: Bro! It's me, Dean.
ZZ: Oy, Dean, sup bro?
DE: Need your help here.
ZZ: Spit it out, man.
DE: I need you to blow it up.
ZZ: Already?
DE: Yea.
ZZ: How do you want?
DE: Just say "**** has successfully raise its ****, and ranked #1 in *** that 
makes foreigners give  **** bid around ***** bios" 
ZZ: wow, man
DE: is it possible?
ZZ : Well, yeah, but..
DE: So do it.
ZZ: Ok, ok, but  we may need more time.
DE: One month?
ZZ: Oh cmon..
DE: 2.
ZZ: We'll see what we can do.
DE: but no lies. 
ZZ: Ok.
DE: Word?.
ZZ: Word.
DE: Thanks, you got my respect, man.
ZZ: Fine. But do me a favor will ya? Y know we like SLK so much, so..
DE: Hahaha, you got it, man. Bye.
ZZ: Bye.


  On 10/6/07, bandar kecil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:      You 
Wish................. huahahahuahauhauahauahahhahaha.
  sorry can't help it.
  don't mean to be rude.
  Banking is not that bad, but not that good either.
  Kecuali kalau tiba2 BNI jadi Bank jangkar, atau ada suatu "amazing action" 
yang dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya seketika. but I doubt it. 
  "dalemnya" aja masih banyak yg perlu diberesin.
  BMRI yg "lebih siap" aja "nggak gitu2 banget" koq.
  Udahlah, "Banking" belum masuk "masanya" at least not this year. Masih banyak 
urusan kredit macet (NPL), tingkat suku bunga, KYC, GCG, Risk Management, 
Permodalan, Single Presence, dll. very highly regulated. 
  Kalau mau yg paling "perform", diantara banking paling BCA. Modal kuat, 
access dimana2, Tehnologi udah duluan.
  Udah deh, kayak nggak ada saham lain aja. Mining dan Energilah yg sekarang 
lagi "naik daun". bahan baku yg paling banyak tinggal di Indonesia (sumber 
terbesar). walaupun harganya tinggi, tapi jika dibandingin dng perusahaan 
publik sejenis yg ada di LN, masih jauh lebih murah. bandingkan. tanya pak Eka 
cs. tuh jagonya. In the long run jauh lebih menguntungkan. tapi musti sabar 
boz. Investing. that's the real idea. 
  sekali lagi excuse me. Sorry. disclaimer.

Yaniesbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
            Mimpi siang hari kali, minggu ini BNI bisa segitu....
  Mestinya ada info2 researchnya dikit lah... biar nggak jadi kecap... :) 
  Kayaknya banyak yang kehilangan kepercayaan sama BBNI, termasuk saya... 
  Mending yang lain yang goyangnya masih hot... 
  From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com] On 
Behalf Of mrs.duit
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 12:33 PM
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Mimpi REZEKI "hujan uang" 
  Invest/BUY di BNI mimpi REZEKI "Hujan Uang" Jadi Kenyataan...

Target BNI minggu ini 2925-3075



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