Pak Dean ini jadi sering pake kode ya... aku jadi bingung sendiri....
maksudnya Red Light Special itu sudah lampu merah? Mau stop dulu gitu?

Terus target ENRG ke harga dvd bajakan... itu artinya apa? (dvd bajakan itu
berapa ya? 10rb? 20rb?) tapi bilangnya banyak penumpang gelap.....

Apakah maksudnya: ENRG stop dulu naiknya, karena mau mengusir penumpang
gelap, jadi dikocok-kocok dulu.

Pak ngomongnya to the point aja, beli apa jual gitu.. biar kita nggak
bingung..hehe.. banyak maunya yah..

tapi nggak apa-apa, aku tetap terima kasih atas infonya, pak. :)

On 10/17/07, Dean Earwicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Lagu untuk ENRG. Walau tanggul bocor, walau tutup jalan mudik, walau
> pipa gas meledak, dan walau-walau lainnya.. ENRG tetap terbang.. kalau punya
> napas panjang, boleh ikut pak Busur, kalau gampang bengek, ya wasalam..
> BTW, WATCH SENSEX, this could be bad news.. or good news.. you decide.
> Red Light Special
> By TLC**
> Take a good look at it
> Look at it now
> Might be the last time you'll
> Have a go round
> I'll let you touch it if you'd
> Like to go down
> I'll let you go further
> If you take the southern route
> Don't go too fast
> Don't go too slow
> You've got to let your body flow
> I like 'em attentive
> And I like 'em in control
> [Chorus]
> Baby it's yours
> All yours
> If you want it tonight
> I'll give you the red light special
> All through the night
> Baby it's yours
> All yours
> If you want it tonight
> Just come through my door
> Take off my clothes
> And turn on the red light
> I know that you want me I can
> See it in your eyes
> You might as well be honest 'cause the
> Body never lies
> Tell me your secrets and I'll
> I'll tell you mine
> I'm feelin' quite sexy
> And I want you for tonight
> If I move too fast just let me know
> 'Cause it means you move too slow
> I like some excitement
> And I like a man that goes
> [Chorus]
> If you want me
> Let me know it
> I'll make time but
> You've got to show it
> If you need me
> I want to see
> But don't mistake me
> I don't want you down on your knees
> I need someone a real man
> I need someone who understands
> I'm a woman a real woman
> I know just what I want
> I know just who I am
> [Chorus]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [
> <>] On
> Behalf Of gosip_saham
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 2:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] ENRG TP 1350
> Sell your other stocks and switch to ENRG now. Something big will happens,
> right mr. bandar?? It will never drop below 1100. so buy now or you miss the
> chance. TP $.)))
> --- In, "James Arifin"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Sekarang target 1570 belum kesampaian sudah keluar target baru di
> 2000
> >
> > On 10/17/07, budi suryono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ENRG act right ,ada posibility diatas rp.2000 hold it tight!!!
> > >
> > > Andri Wijaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > target 1 1350 udah mau tercapai
> > > target 2 1570 menyusul......
> > >
> > >
> > >
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> >
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