Friend ini Mr Bernanke speech " kutipan dari wallstreet journal "
Kira Mr Bernanke akan action apa ya ...., dia kan ada jawdwal meeting 
tuh tgl 31 oktober dan dalam waktu dekat ada pertemuan G7,,,eh kalau 
ndak salah OPEC juga udah keluarkan statement tentang kenaikan harga 
minyak sekarang ini... boleh nih kita diskusikan kan banyak nih teman-
teman dari berbagai latar profesi dan basis keilmuan...., mudah2 an 
kita nambah ilmu... yang ujungnya kita dapat duit.


Bernanke Says Strong Actions
Can Prevent 'Costly' Scenarios
October 19, 2007 5:28 p.m.

WASHINGTON -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Friday that 
strong central-bank action may be warranted at times to prevent worst-
case economic scenarios from occurring.

"Indeed, intuition suggests that stronger action by the central bank 
may be warranted to prevent particularly costly outcomes," Mr. 
Bernanke said in prepared remarks to a St. Louis Fed conference. 
(Read the full speech.)

Mr. Bernanke referred in his remarks to "robust-control methods" 
developed by some economists that "are aimed at minimizing the 
consequences of worst-case scenarios, including those with only a low 
probability of being realized."

"The concern about worst-case scenarios emphasized by the robust-
control approach may likewise lead to amplification rather than 
attenuation in the response of the optimal policy to shocks," Mr. 
Bernanke said.

Mr. Bernanke's remarks shed more light on the role of risk management 
in the Fed's decision last month to lower the target federal-funds 
rate by a half percentage point, a more aggressive move than most 
economists on Wall Street had expected.

In a speech Monday, Mr. Bernanke said, "risk-management 
considerations also played a role in the decision, given the 
possibility that the housing correction and tighter credit could 
presage a broader weakening in economic conditions that would be 
difficult to arrest." That justified "doing more sooner" with respect 
to policy, he said Monday.

Financial markets this week have raised the odds of another quarter-
point rate cut at the end of this month, as housing and jobless-
claims data suggest the economy may be weakening.

In his remarks Friday, Mr. Bernanke cautioned that assessing the 
economy's true state "remains a formidable challenge."

Uncertainty about the economy "provides a reason for the central bank 
to strive for predictability and transparency, avoid overreacting to 
current economic information, and recognize the challenges of making 
real-time assessments of the sustainable level of real economic 
activity and employment," Mr. Bernanke said.

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