wow.. what a big loss!  we surely gonna miss your view pak. it was very
useful especially for retailers like myself -who do not have that kind of
luxuries in trading facilities.

glad to know you're not unsubs, hopefully you'll notice when we're in need
of a helping hand.
please care to drop some words/analysis/data when you feel comfortable.
trading should be fun, i'm pretty sure the same goes in writing.

good luck and enjoy the profit taken ;-)

Hats off!
market strudent.

On 10/20/07, Dean Earwicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Boyz, saya nggak marah... memang harusnya saya keluar dari
> kemarin-kemarin, mungkin saya mau diludahin sama "Elaine", which probably in
> reality could be a fat guy sitting behind my cubical while eating his french
> fries... LOL. Believe me, he tried to save us.
> Thanks all for sharing everything.
> Special thanks to Embah, Bozz, JA, Pak Oentoeng, Frendy, Pak Eka, Wan Al,
> pak Sbudiana, Rei, Mr. LCY, Boyz, Eyang Ratman, SViby, Bang Helmi, bang IAN,
> Bang Aria, Bu Vivi, Bu Eve, Ida, Pak Asep, Tom, Siong, Josh, Pak Harry, Pak
> JW, Ms. Bettina, Mr. Bill, Pak Cleo, Pak Minke and all my friends and
> mentors here. You all have my respect.
> I need to appologize if any of my posts were not accurate or even
> misleading. I tried my best to share my limited knowledge in stock market,
> but in the end, just like Pak SB said, it's all written by GOD.
> If you find they were useful, then I'm happy for you. If not, then I will
> try to write better. Hey, I'm still learning yo.. :)
> We may not meet again. This time DE out for GOOD. This would be my last
> post here.
> Anyone who wants to contact me in private please send email to:
> Or see my post on my future blog:
> (baru daftar, jadi blm ada isinya :P)
> My message: "Trading should be fun. If it's not fun anymore, get out. Take
> a break. Feed your dog. Get a life."
> By the way, by now DOW is down -366 to 13,552. Scary isn't it? Bang Helmi,
> remember what I said in the conference.
> DE
> Note: Just in case you didn't know, DE is not my real name. It was taken
> from a video game character in Tekken 5 series. But it sounds so damn cool,
> isn't it ? :) I am not a foreigner, I'm not THAT OLD, my hair is not white,
> and my equity is not that much. Many times I've said that but you guys seem
> don't believe it. Oh well.....
> Farewell my friends.

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