Guess so...
Kalo maxutnya hari ini gak sempet ijo mah, judulnya jd gini kali 
yak: 'NO more chance'

--- In, "hadizhan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Dow cuman naik sedikit. 
> Maksudnya Elaine, skenarionya mungkin seperti ini. JSX pagi-pagi 
> semangat sebentar, kemudian bila index berhenti, maka trader mulai 
> ragu-ragu, dan mulai jualan lagi. Saat itulah baru nuke bombnya 
> dilepas (oleh bandar atau terjadi naturally oleh panic selling).
> Let's see what will happen.
> --- In, "Andy" <andy@> wrote:
> >
> > Come on girl or boy, whatever you are, get real!
> >  
> > Once, I repeat once, you guess, I repeat guess right! You said 
on a 
> red
> > day that the closing will be down 2%.
> > So what, it went down around 2%, does it mean, YOU MADE IT SO???
> >  
> > Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY could ever bring the JCI to a nummber 
> > he/she like, unless, I repeat unless you have such a huge amount 
> > money, but even though you can't or it is very very hard agains 
> > market.
> > Predicting something that is already on the way, is very easy. 
> don't
> > be so cocky for just be right once!
> > It doesnt make you an expert!
> >  
> > Elaborate your prediction, disccuss with us here!
> > You wrote "I give you one more chance to get out", well, who are 
> we, why
> > should you give us a chance?
> > Are you an angel for members of our mailing list?
> > Doesn't it sound like a moron talking!
> >  
> > Tommorrow will be red you said??? Well, it looks quite green now 
> for me.
> > DJIA up around 35 pts now.
> > Recession is on the way you said? On what ground?
> >  
> > I dunno how the Dow will close today, but I do know for sure, 
> are
> > not a market maker!
> > You talk to much!
> >  
> >  
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pedagang 
> Kentang
> > Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 7:44 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [obrolan-bandar] ONE more chance
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I'll give you ONE more CHANCE to GET OUT, tomorrow.
> > 
> > That if I am in a good mood like LCY. 
> > 
> > Please get up early. You will see a huge GAP. 
> > 
> > This time a NUKE BOMB is about to come. Prepare yourself. 
> > 
> > Don't be afraid with the bear. Be afraid with your EGO.
> > 
> > EL.
> >

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