whoooppss.......be careful Mr Potato....
the ONE who got angry with you is FREDDY not FRENDY......
sounds similar but DIFFERENT person.........

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Pedagang Kentang 
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 9:42 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] To : Potato Trader


  Dear Frendy (and other immatures in here),

  Nuclear is a chain reaction that ends with GIGANTIC explosion. Do you realize 
what has been happening in the market? Inflow vs Outflow? Market movement? TS? 
Weird bid/offer? Crazy volatility? Fear vs Greed? Did you forget what he said 
OR are you just plain ignorant.. that's not my problem... too bad he isn't 
around anymore.. 

  YOU did not do your homework.

  and I bet LCY will disappears soon. That's because of such foolish acts by 
people like you.

  Now, the choice is all yours. I hope you have enough CASH to buy back - which 
means- you've been following my posts all along.. :)

  If not, well, who cares anyway...


  Remember the date.


  On 10/24/07, Little John < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

    sounds that ur price stock is on the sky.......
    or u want to get cheaper price ? hehehehe........
    potato seller is definetely trying to tell us....don't make a war with 
    even when he gives a TOTALLY WRONG recommendation.......

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Freddy 
      To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
      Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 12:48 PM
      Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] To : Potato Trader

      Biar aja pak, Siapa takut? Saya cuma lagi sebel aja sama si kentang, 
lagaknya tengil. Sombong bener.

      Come On Potatoes, Is this ALL that you can do??
      So far I only see Smoke.... Not even a tiny small bomb...
      NUKE bomb? Let's wait and see you proving all your ARROGANT b**l s**t. Or 
you better go back sell your potato chips somewhere else.
      Don't mess up here.


      On 10/24/07, rudy_hks2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: 

        Tapi mesti diwaspadai bahwa saat ini jam 12:00 DOW Future minus 77. 
Hati2, sebab sinyal buruk nanti malam DOW bisa merah lagi. Apalagi indeks 
Nikkei, Strait Times, Seoul semua udah merah kembali.



        From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com] 
On Behalf Of Freddy
        Sent: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 11:10 AM
        To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
        Subject: [obrolan-bandar] To : Potato Trader

        Show me what you got!!!! Don't JUST Talk! What a shame....
        Nuke Bomb??? Nude boobs kali ye.... ??? He... he.. he...


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