Dear Mbah & Tetua OB,
Ada spekulasi, Kalo FED mau motong rate cut yang ke3 kalinya, kalo 
kejadian bakal ijo2 lagi index n Indonesia kebanjiran dana terus ?

SALAM hangat.....Thanks

NB : Hari ini cukup puas tapi ati-ati ah hari Kamis ini .....

Dollar Falls to Record as Bank Losses May Prompt Fed Rate Cut 
By Kosuke Goto and Stanley White
Nov. 6 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar fell to a record low against the 
euro on speculation finance industry losses will prompt the U.S. 
Federal Reserve to cut interest rates for a third time this year. 
The currency declined versus all 16 of the most-actively traded 
currencies except the yen as Fed Governor Randall Kroszner said 
conditions for subprime-mortgage borrowers may get worse. It dropped 
the most against the currency of New Zealand, where the benchmark 
rate is 3.75 percentage points higher than in the U.S. 
``The rolling credit crisis and lack of confidence in the U.S. 
financial sector is heightening fears for the broader U.S. 
economy,'' said Greg Gibbs, a currency strategist in Sydney at ABN 
Amro Holding NV, the biggest Dutch bank. ``The broader outlook for 
the dollar still looks very challenged.'' 

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