wah ya ampun, saya masih pegang di 630 pak :-)
gpp wis dech, kalo sampe perusahaannya kolaps saya ikhlasin aja ^^

tapi Better kalo MIRA bisa survive...^^

Hope Better Prepare Worst....khususnya nrimo seandainya MIRA = POLY 
saat ini he he

No Hard Feeling :-)



--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "BEJ Trader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Dear Folks,
> As I said before, MIRA will NOT be able to break 500....
> now you see what happened with MIRA....
> GOES TO HELL.....anybody who still hold MIRA, feel free to 
> send a FU*K message to the COMPANY.....
> the investor ONLY GET SHIT......SHIT and ONLY SHIT.....
> Regards,
> MIRA Insider

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