- FA is the guide. TA is the light. BA is the way, but patience is
the key. (FA - big banks, Mining, Energi, Agri, Consumer === TA... 3
years price trends ==== BA ....  musti minta pencerahan Mbah nih
=======  Patience - up tu u)....

  - Get good or get out....  get good, buy and keep... good companies,
big companies....

  - PANIK...??  Setahun ada 12 bulan, hampir tiap bulan panik
sekali....  yah, mustinya udah biasa ya...

  - Long Term Trend???  3000??? 3300??? 5000???  Well dont for GET,
JSX pernah 300, sekarang 2600???  Long term trendd???  Bumi pernah 25/
lembar, sekarang 4500??? Pegas cuma 2000 sekarang 15000????  Are you

Patience is key... (if you in right path/be good)

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