Oops.. Gmail does not recognize tables.. I retyped it:

Mr. Greenspan said the housing prices is far from bottomed out. How
bout the rest? Econometrics, retail and other sale reports to watch
out for next
week. "EARLY" holiday sales started by jumping up 30%+. Good or bad sign? :)

Tue (27/11)
- Econometrics: Consumer Confidence
- Retail: Redbook, UBS, American Eagle, Staples, Talbot's
- Others: Analog Devices

Wed (28/11)
- Econometrics: Existing Home Sales, The Fed Beige Book on Economic
Activity, Gov't Oil Inventory
- Retail: Men's Wearhouse, Dollar Tree
- Others

Thu (29/11)
- Econometrics: GDP, Jobless Claims, New Home Sales, Gov't Gas Inventory
- Retail: Sears
- Others: Del Monte, Smithfield Foods, Dell

Fri (30/11)
- Econometrics: Personal Income and Outlays, Construction Spending,
Chicago Purchasing Managers
- Retail: Big Lots, Tiffany
- Others

On Nov 25, 2007 3:03 PM, Api Perdana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
... [ deleted ]...


Api Perdana
Amazon Associate

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