hahahahaha.. dunno mate, me too feels a bit resemblance to the dear
miss "kena-tanggung", ngebom tanggung2... 

tapi kata guru ngaji pan ga boleh seudzon.. hehe, sugan weh nya'an
lain si elaine pan dosa euy berprasangka yg buruk2...

perhaps she was telling the truth.. though it seems a bit too odd for
a newbie to have that "knowledge" already, while only just a few days
ago she appears on the surface..

perhaps she's just a smart indonesian abroad economics/finance college
graduate... eventually wealthy enough to invest and trade on stocks..,
and make her way onto it...

tapi ada alibinya jg sih pak...

td saya pancing pake kata2 "BA", kayanya dy blon familiar ama
Bandarmologi analysis khasnya si embah di milis ini...

she answered on global economics matter,...

there is a probabilities that it might be true that she is just a
smart young women who just graduate and make her way on her portfolio...

so Aimee, without means of offence... if ure really not acquintance or
related to elaine en kawan2nya... sayah minta maaf sudah "berprasangka
buruk"... its just this "elaine" thingy was quite a "joke" back then..
temen2 yg laen jg pasti msh rada2 "curiga" hehe...

hope no lies and tricks on these forum for now...

but if there is, well., thats how it rolls anyway.. ya ga Mbah??

PS : Guys, she might be for real... buktinya blon bawa2 "BOM" nih ampe
skrg.. he3X, tp gatau jg deh...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, TerryAstradika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> sudah kubilang mba aimee ini masih sodaraan ama mba kentang,
ngakunya nubie tapi ilmunya dalem tuh! mba kentang mah agak keras
orangnya, kalu yang ini mah santuuunn banget, kang ocoy aja sampe
>   ciao! salam cuan selalu..
> kang_ocoy_maen_saham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>           Lady Sis Aimee..
> guess ure not an ordinary "newbie" investor afterall.. 
> u got some quite "BA Tricks up ur sleeve"... Nice...
> learn so fast on such a short time?, or actually u were a "pro" player
> on the first place...
> without means of offence.., its just ure "too good" for a newbie..
> hardly believe u once claimed to be a "newbie" on these matter...
> if u were truly a "newbie" on these.. than ure a "fearful" one i
> guess.. quite an edgy and confidence one i see u were...
> hav a great trade...
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "RATU SIMA" <RATUSIMA@> wrote:
> >
> > Om TA,
> > 
> > 7000? EOY?
> > EOY I think both 5500 - 6000 first lah.
> > No need so hurry. Little by little what matter is 'cuan'.
> > 
> > Train passengers kan should drop, if no 'overloaded' loh...
> > 
> > Btw, TINS will do some corp action. Only time...
> > 
> > Love,
> > Aimee
>   .
>      Ciao! Salam cuan selalu..
>   Terry Astradika 
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