Dari parameter2 dan statement2 yang ada, tahun 2008 kemungkinan
besarnya akan terjadi slowdown per-ekonomian secara global, jadi
mestinya terkait dengan sektor2 yg paling pas sesuai dengan prakiraan
kondisi tsb.

Jadi barangkali diantara Rekan2 OB ada yg lebih paham, sektor2 mana yg
kemungkinan paling bisa 'bergerak' di tahun depan itu.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "Bettina Tan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Look at the chinese fengshui for 2008 and try to relate it with our
> polling.. Just wanna have fun. Enjoy it!
> The strong water of the Rat year favors earth and metal industries,
as earth
> conquers water, so the Rat is a symbol of money to the earth
industry, which
> includes property, mining, hotel, chemicals, insurance… As for metal
> industries, metal gives birth to water, so the strong water element
in the
> year indicates productivity and strong activity in metal industries
– this
> include machinery, computer, high tech industries, skincare, health
> The Wood industries, which include textile, fashion, books,
> paper, forestry, furniture is also into a profitable year as wood
> earth, so the earth showing up in 2008 symbolize the money of wood
> But the profit will only be superficial as the earth element is weak.
> The less prosperous industries in 2008 will be businesses of water
and fire
> elements. Water industries refer to shipping, communication
drinks…etc. The
> strong water appearing in the Rat year will bring stronger
competition in
> the water areas and this will very much weaken the profitability. Fire
> industries refer to finance, stock market, energy, electricity,
> entertainment, and airline businesses. As fire conquers metal and
> Earth element, so to Fire industry, metal represents money and earth
> represents productivity. In 2008 metal element is absent and earth
> is weak. . That is why it is a relatively weak year for the industries
> related to the fire element.
> http://www.fengshuiliving.com/home.htm
> On 12/19/07, Bettina Tan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > This the result at the moment.
> >
> >     Property 4 Energy 3 Metal 3 Infrastructure 2 Mining 2 Chems 1
> > Plantation 1 Telco 1 Banking 1
> >
> >
> >  On 12/19/07, Bettina Tan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Let's share what sector do you prefer most in 2008.
> > >
> > > I prefer infrastructure, energi, metal, chems. What about you
> > >
> >
> >

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