Asiikkk !!! gw paling suka kalau pawang beruang udah mulai bermunculan.

biarlah Pawang Beruang pada beraksi,
brain storming or brain washing .... to set your perspective to bearish minds.

semakin banyak yg berpikiran bahwa market akan bearish, malah semakin bagus.

"when most of people have a strong perception that market will downtrending,
the opposite movement will occur"

ternyata pattern berulang,
bukan hanya pattern chart, tetapi juga pattern of social behaviour.

so ... biarlah pawang beruang mengerjakan tugasnya.
tunggu tanggal mainnya ... when the Bull will take place.

see links below, check the date and check it to your chart
these postings are reminder that after the most of people changed to bearish minded, The Bull will take place.


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