Pacific place itu punya siapa yah? Sell aja kalo punya.
Mall-nya serem banget, bikin phobia ketinggian makin menjadi-jadi aja.
Apalagi eskalatornya ga ada guard rail-nya. 

Kalo serem n ga laku,
kan pemiliknya bakal rugi.

Anyway, kalo mau liat betapa makmurnya
Indonesia, silahkan kunjungi pacific place at scbd

On 1/20/08, Dean Earwicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Saya no comment deh. Kaya kurang kerjaan aja. Emangnya ngaruh sama porto
> gua.. hehe.. ga efek mengkale..
> Pak Bandar, maaf kalo reply saya agak "nantang" hehe.., cuma pengin tau aja
> anda serius apa ndak..hehe..
> Yo wis, damai deh :)... *** sambil makan unagi
> sushi.<http://www.flavorj.com/%7Eskysea/sushi/unagi.jpg>..
> wenak tenan -- mak nyuss* **, mungkin kita perlu kongkow bareng biar akrab
> gitu.. kebetulan saya suka makan di Pacific Place, SCBD... tapi jangan
> ngomongin saham.. hehe..
> Regards,
> DE
> 2008/1/20 abdulrahim abdulrahim < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >:
> >   Pak Bandar Junior. Anda benar mengenai ke-6 point tersebut. Saya juga
> > melihat demikian. But, the fact that they both have some points in
> > common doesn't mean they MUST be the same person. IMO, it would simply
> > mean, this country has a lot of bright people. That's it. Not just
> > both of them, I found even a lot more of them (bright people), just in
> > this list.
> >
> > Mengenai harus keluar itu. Anda gak nangkap dengan baik isyarat yang
> > diberikan pak DE. He would simply mean that he is very serious in his
> > statement!! Which is he is ready to get out from this list if he were
> > Elaine.
> >
> > BTW, bright people seek for easy money huh!!!
> >

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