Pak ALX,  saya beli TLKM di 8300, kalo besok turun ya tunggu 
Futures Point to Sharply Lower Open Tuesday
By Reuters With | 21 Jan 2008 | 04:31 PM ET 
U.S. stock index futures were sharply lower Monday, as fears of a U.S. 
recession gripped
investors, suggesting Wall Street will join a global equity markets 
plunge when they resume trading Tuesday.
Volume was active in spite of the U.S. stock market being closed for 
the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.
The sell-off in futures tracked global equities losses, as the MSCI's 
main index of world stocks hit its lowest level in over a year.
If U.S. stocks open on Tuesday at the levels futures are indicating, 
it would push the market dangerously close to bear market territory -- 
or a 20 percent drop from their peak in October. That would mark the 
end of the bull market that began in early October 2002

--- In, "ALX™" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kelihatan ada cukup pertahanan di level 2.900 (ANTM) dan 8.300 (TLKM)
> tapi jangan pake full power dulu...
> 20% s/d 35% aja dulu... :-)
> Pak TiBum...
> saya sudah mulai masuk di saham anda... ;-)
> -- 
> Salam
> ALX™

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