Saya denger di Bloomberg - Rusia jg ikutan2 mengurangi ekspor coal-nya

Happy chuan,


> Pada 28 Nov 2007, UBS mengeluarkan target price baru utk BUMI yaitu Rp
> 11,500/sh dengan mengasumsikan harga batubara pada US$ 90/tonne di
>  tahun
> 2008.
> UBS global analyst baru saja menaikkan target harga batubara mereka utk
> tahun 2008 yaitu menjadi US$ 100/tonne atau kenaikan 11% dari yg
> sebelumnya.
> Andreas Bokkenhauser pasti sedang melakukan revisi angka utk mencakup
> asumsi harga jual batubara terbaru.
> =============
>               NEW        OLD        %CHANGE.
>               ---        ---        --------
> 2008E         US$100/t   US$ 90/t    +11%.
> 2009E         US$125/t   US$105/t    +19%.
> ============
>               NEW        OLD        %CHANGE.
>               ---        ---        --------
> 2008E         US$170/t   US$145/t    +17%.
> 2009E         US$165/t   US$135/t    +22%.
> Dan Brebner (global Bulks analyst) in the Commodity Compass upgraded
> their f'cast for the sector again due to:
> (1)   Supply side difficulties:
>       +   infrastructure limitations in China.
>       +   weather <<QHDvs.NCS new.xls>>  <<Coal valuation 31Jan08.xls>>
> related setbacks in China and Australia (BHP says delay could last 6
> mths).
>       +   major power shortages in South Africa.
> (2)   Demand is more inelastic than ever.
> BUY: BUMI Resources, Straits Asis Resources, Vale (CVRD), Rio Tinto,
> Alpha Natural Resources.
> Coal price has reached record highs at US$93.35/t in Newcastle and
> around US$76.7/t in Qinhuangdao, driven by the flooding in Australia
>  and
> the snow storm which caused transportation difficulties and power
> shortage in China.
> Chinese government has ordered a suspension of coal exports last week.
> The blackouts have extended to 17 provinces and the government has
>  urged
> to conserve power.
> ATTACHED: Coal valuation comps, latest coal price chart and Commodity
> Compass.
> I am sure Andreas (Indo coal analyst) is working through his models
> using the new coal f'casts.
> Best,
> Bernard.
> ---------------------------------
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