Setuju Pak AA...Rebound dulu aja biar teman kita bisa kawin, kasihan XXXX-nya 

abdulrahim abdulrahim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               
Thanks pak Rei. Kalau akhir 209, abis pemilu dong yah.
 Tinggal yang longsor 200 poin nih... Sekarang2 ini, apa rebound dulu?
 Rebound dulu aja deh seperti yang diharpakan oleh neng Trifosa.
 2008/3/11 Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
 > Pak OEN, 4000 nya sudah di-stempel materai belum?
 >  Cek juga nih postingan pak FS tgl. 20 Feb lalu:
 >  ... believe it or not the main index by end-2009 would hit 4100 (!)
 >  at the lower-mediocre scenario... for retailers, IF there is any
 >  pull back, the main index of 2580-2640 would be good levels for
 >  looking up good stocks...
 >  Tapi nyatanya di level 2450 yah baru kita rebound...semoga narik
 >  terus ke 3000. Pak Halim? Mbah? The time is now?...

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