ga itung sendiri aja sih.., Piotroski score dari paper-nya Joseph 
Piotroski dr University of Chicago

coba saya upload deh paper doi ke Filesnya OB. ini simpel tp tokcer 

--- In, thom chris 
> kang.., ada benchmarknya ya,.,.? cara ngitungnya
> (dapet hitungannya) gimana Piotro-F?? atau udah ada
> websitenya yaH?
> thx,
> --- kang_ocoy_maen_saham
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Annual BUMI 07 Examined Kalo pake Piotroski-F
> > Score,(Invesor fund 
> > gede US biasanya kalo ribet cek detail dy cari score
> > altman ato 
> > piotroski yg bagus ajah)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Positive Core Earning                = Pass (+24%)
> > Positive OCF                         = Pass (Meski
> > Tipis)
> > NI Excl Extra Growth VS Asset Growth = Pass (42% VS
> > 12%)
> > OCF Exceed NI                        = Fail
> > Total Asset Growth VS LTD Growth     = Pass
> > Current Ratio Increase               = Pass (1.4 VS
> > 1.3)
> > Shares Outstanding                   = Fail (bisa
> > nambah krn CB)
> > Gross Margin Incr                    = Pass (33.3%
> > VS 28.5%)
> > Revenue Growth VS Asset Growth       = Pass (22.35%
> > VS 12%)
> > 
> > 
> > 7 dr 9.
> > 
> > Lumayan Loh Sebenernya...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
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