*Hahaha.... Bearish is always be considered evil, so I'm not suprised at all
with the responses. If I give you one billion dollars, which stock do you

Anyway, soon I'm gonna have a talk with the "authority" to allow short
position more available to retail traders in Indonesia. Are you with me?
Tell me your opinion about "short selling", maybe I can forward it to them..

If short selling is allowed, bull and bear are both good news. Right? ^^


2008/4/5 Halim Mintareja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>  Sebelumnya saya mohon maaf dulu kalau terlalu kasar tulisnya
> Btw....saya tarik tulisan saya sambil mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya.
> Tulisan yang DISCLAIMER OFF saya cabut gantik DISCLAIMER ON
> Tulisan ABSOLUTE saya tarik juga.
> Gak enak kalau sampai gak kejadian.
> Terima Kasih untuk beberapa OB yang japri ke saya.
> Semoga masalah ini selesai disini.
> Soal analisa saya..tetap nothing change..saya hitung minggu depan bullish.
> Dengan big correction after that.
> kali ini DISCLAIMER ON
> Halim

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