ROIC bisa naik/turun kalo ga salah tergantung NI, Deviden and capital.

Which one is the stimulus for higher ROIC in your model, Kang? Saya belum 
banyak dapat info soal ANTM sih, maklum kmrn saya cuekin terus ANTM habis SS he 

kang_ocoy_maen_saham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             
 ANTM's Future Project's ROIC is fascinating.., we cant underlook those
 project now under feasibility studies.. they surely got the potential.
 but their delivery has been unsatisfying. but "turfs" is right on
 their sleeve..
 --- In, Andi Wahyudi
 > Q4 agak mengkhawatirkan ya Mbah, padahal harga TINS di Q4 relatif
 stabil..Kalau ROE dan ROA turun, otomatis growth-nya juga turun..
 > Mohon penjelasan Mbah
 > jsx_consultant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                         
    Tadi pak Bayu bilang saat ini PER saham BEJ =15, nanti mau
 >  beli kalo PERnya dibawah 10.
 >  Barusan embah check:
 >  PER TINS = 7,7 pada harga TINS = 27500.
 >  PER ANTM = 5,85 pada harga ANTM = 3150.
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