Good News for Bernanke From Bond Market Is Bad News for Rates 


By Daniel Kruger and Sandra Hernandez

April 7 (Bloomberg) -- For the first time since December, the bond market is
closing the credibility gap with Ben
elds=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1>  S. Bernanke and signaling its agreement with
the Federal Reserve chairman that an economic collapse has been averted and
that interest rates are bottoming. 

Treasury yields rose 0.33 percentage point on average through April 4 from
this year's low of 2.49 percent on March 17, according to Merrill Lynch &
Co. indexes. The increase is the first since December, when the Fed cut its
target rate for overnight loans between banks and said lower borrowing costs
<>  ``should help
promote moderate growth.'' 

The Fed's unprecedented support for JPMorgan Chase
<> & Co.'s takeover of
New York-based Bear Stearns Cos.
<>  on March 16 is
restoring confidence in Bernanke, who told Congress last week that
``monetary and fiscal policies are in train that should support a return to
growth.'' Yields tumbled to the lowest levels since 2003 in the first
quarter, when banks racked up $232 billion of losses and writedowns and the
economy lost jobs. 

``There is a sense of stability returning to the market,'' said John
s=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1>  Hendricks, who helps oversee $137 billion at
Hartford Investment Management Co. in Hartford, Connecticut. ``Bernanke's
comments that there's a significant amount of monetary easing already in the
system and you've got these other measures coming into play as well that
should help the economy rebound in the second half.'' 

The turning point came when the Fed promised $30 billion to back New
York-based JPMorgan's bailout of Bear Stearns, preventing the biggest
collapse of an investment bank. The central bank lowered its pledge to $29
billion on March 24 after JPMorgan quadrupled the purchase price to about
$2.4 billion. 

Recession Risk 

Treasuries, which tend to perform the best when the economy and inflation
are slowing, lost 1.59 percent on average since March 17, according to
Merrill's indexes. They had gained 14.5 percent since June 12 as gross
domestic product growth slowed to a 0.6 percent annual rate in the fourth
quarter, home prices fell 14 percent and bank losses swelled. 

High-yield, high-risk corporate bonds returned 2.46 percent following the
Bear Stearns rescue, after losing 4.58 percent this year through March 17,
the Merrill indexes show. 

While acknowledging for the first time that the economy may be in a
recession, Bernanke told the Joint Economic Committee of Congress last week
that the Fed's actions ``will help to promote growth over time and to
mitigate the risks to economic activity.'' 

The bond market is looking much like it did in December, when yields rose as
much as 0.27 percentage point to 3.91 percent on average. The rise followed
the Fed's decision to cut its target for overnight loans between banks to
4.25 percent on Dec. 11. 

Rally Interrupted 

``You started seeing some improvement,'' said Andrew
lds=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1>  Harding, who helps manage $18 billion as chief
investment officer for fixed income at Allegiant Asset Management in
Cleveland. ``There's been a series of positive events,'' said Harding. 

Harding is buying corporate bonds, including those of financial companies,
and mortgage-backed securities issued by government-chartered home finance
companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 

The slump in Treasuries since the bailout of Bear Stearns was interrupted on
April 4 after the Labor Department said company payrolls contracted by the
most in five years during March. At the same time, wages
<>  grew at the
slowest pace since 2005, bolstering speculation that inflation will decline
as Bernanke said it would. 

``It is our expectation,'' Bernanke said in response to questions from
members of the Senate Banking Committee on April 3, that ``overall inflation
will tend to slow.'' 

Breakeven Rates 

Yields on 10-year Treasury Inflation Protected Securities fell to 2.29
percentage points less than 10-year notes at the end of last week, from the
high this year of 2.56 percentage points on March 7. The so-called breakeven
rate reflects the annual rate of inflation that traders expect for the next

The April 4 rally wasn't enough to keep Treasuries from declining last week.
Two-year note yields climbed 17 basis points to 1.82 percent, and are up
from 1.24 percent on March 17, the lowest since July 2003, according to bond
broker Cantor Fitzgerald LP. The price of the 1.75 percent note due March
2010 declined 11/32, or $3.44 per $1,000 face amount, to 99 28/32. 

Any gains in Treasuries may be limited this week because government reports
are likely to show that the trade deficit for February narrowed and the
budget gap shrank in March, according to the median forecast of more than 20
economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. 

`Easing Mode' 

``Much of the bad news has been priced in,'' said Colin
lds=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1>  Lundgren, head of institutional fixed income in
Minneapolis at RiverSource Investments, which manages $100 billion of bonds.
``I'm not sure Treasuries in the next six to 12 months look that appealing,
even though we're in a slowdown and the Fed is still in easing mode.'' 

A weekly survey by Ried, Thunberg & Co. shows that investors who oversee
$1.47 trillion expect 10-year Treasury yields to rise by the end of June.
The Jersey City, New Jersey- based firm's sentiment index was 48 on April 4,
compared with 46 a week earlier. Readings below 50 mean investors anticipate
lower prices. 

It may be too early to become optimistic about the economy, according to
=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1>  Spodek, co-head of U.S. bonds in New York at
BlackRock Inc., which manages $513 billion in debt. 

``The market's perhaps responding to the end of what was perceived to be a
liquidity crisis or credit crunch,'' he said. ``You can make a very strong
argument based on the chairman's comments and some of the data that the
fundamental picture and the real economy picture haven't improved.'' 

`Calmed Down' 

The economy may expand 2.1 percent in the third quarter, from 0.55 percent
this quarter and 0.2 percent in the first three months of the year,
according to the median estimate of 85 economists surveyed by Bloomberg. 

Traders see a 36 percent chance the Fed will lower rates by a
half-percentage point to 1.75 percent at their next scheduled meeting on
April 30, down from 48 percent on March 28, according to interest-rate
futures contracts on the Chicago Board of Trade. 

Treasuries even fell on April 1, when UBS AG
<> , Switzerland's
biggest bank by assets, reported $19 billion of credit costs, and Deutsche
Bank AG <> , Germany's
largest bank, said it will write down $3.9 billion of loans and asset-backed

``We're losing a little of the safe-haven bid,'' said Hendricks. ``Time will
tell as to whether people are jumping the gun here or whether there's going
to be another leg down, but for the moment the markets have definitely
calmed down.'' 

To contact the reporter on this story: Daniel
=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1>  Kruger in New York at [EMAIL PROTECTED];
lds=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1>  Hernandez in New York at

Last Updated: April 6, 2008 14:41 EDT

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