Sometime, and old man have a problem with their memory.
If it is a wise wisdom, obey it
but if it draw you to the coffen hole, don't follow him and ignore it,
be your self and confidence with you've got.


On 4/7/08, boyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   --- In, er1ck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > mas boyz, mudah2x-an DJI sukses penetrasi ntar closing di MA100 , udah
> lama
> > dia berpisah dengan MA100 sejak tgl 27 dec 2007, ini ciuman pertama
> dengan
> > si MA100 pasti dashyat biasanya :-)) , bayangin 4 bulan ga ciuman gmana
> > rasanya tuuh
> >
> Mudah-2an sih ditutup diatas MA100-nya.
> Muanteb banget kalo bisa gitu, bisa break Resistance disaat banyak Badnews
> dan TA udah overbought.
> 4 bulan gak ciuman???
> tar dulu deh ane bayangin.....
>  [image: 
> Thinking]<>
> aarrghhh agak susah ngebayanginnya ....
> soalnya si elaine biasa nyosor duluan [image: :D]
> [image: Soldier's 
> Kiss]<>
> kekekek ...

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