Lo bukannya EL kasih target 2xxx to 3xxx?

Bukan mo nakut2in yang laen, cuman mo nyampein ajah

kang_ocoy_maen_saham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             duh 
jelasin dulu dong fibo ama MA60,20,200 ama arrow ama jebol-mantul 
 tuh artinya apa dan gimana taunya/ngeliatnya.. coz sayah bener2 ga 
 paham(ajarin donkx)..
 Nevertheless i think Valuation wise 4000 is really unlikely(unless 
 global coal fell below $100).., 4000 is too severe consider how 
 everyone's been putting their tag. Its Just Like El's said., 
 Our "Kevlar & Helmet" were "valuation" and so disini kuat2an pricing 
 aja. El and her Institution Put her Price Tag for Selling while some 
 other Institutions put their Price Tag for Buying. we'll see the 
 outcome for that several months from now. but i do like those 4000 
 Discount Tag for BUMI if that could happen soon. 
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, er1ck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > kang ocoy, saya mah ngeliat si BUMI cuma jadi 'index balancing' 
 doang yg spt
 > teorinya mbah bilang yg laen di turunin BUMI di 'tahan' biar ga 
 terlalu hard
 > landing , hrg skrg BUMI di 5.800 itu adalah  fibbo 61.8 kalau 
 ditarik dari
 > akhir maret high sebelumnya, dan skrg lg ciuman sama MA20 
 > ngayal-nya versi saya BUMI teteup ke 4.400 *MA200 di daily*  sesuai 
 > flop yellow arrow-nya , minggu ini jadi minggu-nya test MA200 
 rata2x emiten
 > , yg belum jebol MA 200 si AALI dan si PTBA mrk lagi mantul dulu 
 > ciuman dengan MA200 karena belum terlalu 'cukup umur' , nah untuk 
 AGRI semua
 > sudah jebol tembus MA200 dengan sukses, selanjutnya bermain2x di 
 MA60 Weekly
 > disclaimer si oon
 > 2008/4/8 kang_ocoy_maen_saham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
 > >   Bosen sih, tp kayaknya BUMI masih jd playmaker lg times around 
 > > Mbah.. Pick-Up what's left.. "Dipungut setengah terpaksa di 
 > > separuh jalan"...
 > >
 > > hehe..
 > >
 > >

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