Kalau LK ngawur, jewer saja direkturnya
Masih ngawur, Menneg BUMN dijewer
Masih ngawur juga, DPR turun tangan
Masih ngawur kuadrat, RI1 ntar turun tangan betulin anak buahnya

Mudah2an kontrol GCG model ginian sudah bisa jalan di BUMN, jadi inget direksi 
PGAS yang dipecat tahun lalu he he

Kabu Nusi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             
sumber: eTrading

 ELSA: Richland akuisisi 75% Elnusa Tristar  

·  Richland Group Limited, perusahaan penyedia layanan logistic dan manufaktur 
global segera mengakuisisi 75% saham PT Elnusa Tristar Ramba td (anak usaha 
ELSA), dengan nilai berkisar 12-15x laba bersih Elnusa tristar.
 ·  Transaksi jual beli sudah dilakukan pada 19 Maret 2008.
 ·  Paska akuisisi, Tristar yakin dapat membukukan laba bersih FY08 mencapai 
US$6,7 juta atau Rp62 M

Dean Earwicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                          
Aneka Tambang Shares Rise on Plan to Buy Gold and Silver Mine
2008-04-16 08:00 (New York)
By Naila Firdausi
    April 16 (Bloomberg) -- PT Aneka Tambang, Indonesia's
second-largest nickel producer, posted its biggest gain in three
months in Jakarta trading after the company said it is in talks
 to buy a gold and silver mine in Sumatra.
    Antam, as the company is known as, surged 375 rupiah, or 12
percent, to 3,475 rupiah on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, the
biggest gain since Jan. 23.
    President Dedi Aditya Sumanagara said yesterday the company
 is in talks to buy a stake in Martabe, a mine owned by
Australian mining company Oxiana Ltd. Antam in December said  its
production of bullion may jump fivefold in a decade, helped by
    ``A successful purchase will boost contribution from
 gold,'' Mardesiana, an analyst at PT Kresna Graha Sekurindo,
said in Jakarta. ``It's a good move to reduce dependence on one
    Gold has gained 35 percent in the past year, while nickel
 dropped 41 percent in the period. More than four-fifths of
Antam's revenue in 2007 came from selling ferronickel and nickel
 --Editors: Tan Hwee Ann, James Unwin
 To contact the reporter on this story:
Naila Firdausi in Jakarta at +62-21-3435-3024 or
 To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Keith Gosman at +61-2-9777-1245 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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