LOL! I didn't mention ur name. But you realize i was saying you? I was not 
wrong then, Calm down. I just try to provoke you and Bingo! So easy.. I thought 
you master market psychology. The way you response show mentaly you are much 
weaker than any member here. By the way watch out your harsh words. You sounds 
like a man :-) not suit the image you try to create.

Elaine wrote: 
>             Okay, siapa lagi mau maki-maki Elaine? Memang kalau merah pasti 
> ingin marah-marah. . so childish. Anyway, since you start it I'd like to say: 
> fuck you too, asshole. I can change my plan anytime I want, so sue me!! 
>  Elaine 2008/6/6 Johan < b3tonsportz@ >: 
> Saya sih percaya aja ada chance crash. Secara teknikal selama MACD mase dead 
> cross mase rawan. Lagian minim sentimen positif yang bisa narik bei. Volume 
> juga dikit. Yang boasting index bulan ini 2400 s/d 2600 duit nya ternyata 
> ukuran teri aja. Nahan di 2400 aja gak mampu. Skrg bilang mau bikin crash 
> cuma karena dia bosan?  Nampaknya kita telah mendapatkan member ob of the 
> year category the most bull(sh*t) of the year 
> budi zhu wrote: 
>>             Master, mau tau jg donk tanggalnya hehehe... Seperti yg master 
>> oentoeng blg, always prepare for the worst. Best Regards On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 
>> at 2:08 PM, oentoeng_qq < oentoeng_qq@ > wrote: 
>>             --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , Elaine 
>>> < me.elaine@> wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> > *Biar seru saja. ^_^ this month maybe? Elaine bosan.. 
>>> > 
>>> > Elaine** 
>>> > * 
>>> > 
>> Emangnya Eloe aja yg tahu...LOL 
>> Gimana kalau saya kasih tahu tanggalnya sekalian?? 
>> This month? Next week??? 
>> Hohoho... 
>> Good Luck! 
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