Soo gak heran kan kalo SBY mo diturunin.......itu mahasiswa bayaran....muke2 

--- On Wed, 6/25/08, abdulrahim abdulrahim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: abdulrahim abdulrahim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] Indonesia Govt More Efficient, Less 
Corrupt - World Bank...
Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 3:05 AM


Jadi OB coblos SBY neh?



Bukan ponakan SBY

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 7:55 AM, Aria Bela Nusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> DJ Indonesia Govt More Efficient, Less Corrupt - World Bank


> JAKARTA (AFP)--A reform push by leaders in Indonesia has substantially

> improved the performance of government and has reduced graft in Southeast

> Asia's largest economy, the World Bank said Wednesday.


> The bank's Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) report found governance

> had improved significantly in Indonesia in the 10 years of "reformasi"

> since the 1998 ouster of dictator Suharto, a statement said.


> "The progress is a reflection of a country whose political leaders,

> policymakers, civil society and private sector view good governance and

> corruption control as crucial for sustained and shared growth," co-author

> Daniel Kaufmann said in the statement.


> "A decade into the reform era, Indonesia bears all the hallmarks of a

> thriving democracy - freedom of expression, freedom of association,

> freedom of the press, and now freedom of public information, " he said.


> The report covered indicators on governance and corruption in 212

> countries drawing on data from survey institutes, think-tanks and

> non-governmental organizations.


> Indonesia is widely seen as being among the most corrupt countries in the

> world, ranking 143rd on Transparency International' s global corruption

> perceptions index, alongside Russia, Togo and Gambia.






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