hai teman2,

Penjualan / ekspor udang CP Bratasena/Dipasena thn ini gak bagus , stock udang 
numpuk di cold storage, cadangan udang putih di us/japan juga msh banyak 
(prediksi +- 1th).

Biaya ops thn ini meningkat krn kenaikan cost energy

Perusahaan sdg kesulitan mencari dana/ hutang lg.

Produksi bbrp bln ke dpn diperkirakan tdk bagus krn pergantian musim udang 
rentan penyakit.

Sy baru akan pertimbangkan stock ini 2 tahun lg.



--- On Wed, 6/25/08, Herman Tobing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Herman Tobing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] BUY CPRO ??
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 5:17 AM

            Pak Kim, 

Masalah placement dari pemiliknya juga ada di kontan tg  24 juni.

Salam ,


-----Original Message-----

From: "JsxTrader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: 25/06/08 11:22 AM

Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUY CPRO ??

Masih di luar kota nih, blum ada acces ke TA tools.., jd blum bisa komentar 
banyak..,  mungkin perlu dicermati; berita tdk keluar 'ujuk-ujuk'  begitu saja 
tanpa ada maksud tertentu.., biasanya itu bagian dari 'rencana'.., so cermarti 
terus pergerakannya, khususnya price & volume relationship. Kalau bisa di zoom 
pake intraday biar 'terlihat' what they are doing....., just sharing.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from XL GPRS network

-----Original Message-----

From: tetfa <[EMAIL PROTECTED] co.id>

Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 10:08:27 

To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>

Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUY CPRO ??

Baca KONTAN hari ini 25 juni 2008, ada ulasan lengkap mengenai CPRO, saatnya 
sudah boleh buy belum ya? bagaimana pak Tasrul dan JsxTrader? mohon 

ada yang quote kemarin bahwa "selama orang suka makan udang, katanya saham CPRO 
tetap akan bagus?" is it true?

salam dari new-bee

  ----- Original Message ----- 

  From: Sulistyo Winarto 

  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 

  Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 10:17 AM

  Subject: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] BUY CPRO ??

Pak KIM & Herman, bisa dibaca di Kontan hari ini tapi dikolom "RUMOR" hal 4.. 
Salam no opinion

----- Pesan Asli ----

  Dari: Kim Liong Oei <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>

  Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

  Cc: herman.tobing@ gmail.com

  Terkirim: Selasa, 24 Juni, 2008 09:32:43

  Topik: [obrolan-bandar] BUY CPRO ??

Pak Herman, is it true? 

  Kalau ada info boleh japri ke saya, karena utk hal ini saya tidak menerima 
kabar sedikitpun.

----- Original Message ----

  From: Herman Tobing <herman.tobing@ gmail.com>

  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

  Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 7:57:38 AM

  Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] BUY CPRO ??

Pemiliknya akan melepas sebagian sahamnya<placement > untuk bayar hutang . Jadi 
mungkin masih akan turun lagi.

Salam ,


-----Original Message-----

  From: "Kim Liong Oei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>

  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

  Sent: 24/06/08 7:40 AM

  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] BUY CPRO ??

Sejak kemarin banyak yang bahas, ada yang pro bull, ada yang pesimis.

  Mana yang benar???? 


  Kalau kita lihat pergerakan saham ini dari 700 bisa turun ke 240, dan main 
biz adalah si "bongkok udang".

  Gambaran saya sbb:


  1. Waktu terjadi pembelian aset Dipasena oleh CPRO, maka CPRO mendapat "hiu" 
yang masih harus dirawat agar bisa berfungsi opmtimal. Nah selama masa 
perawatan ini harga akan turun. Simple.

  2. Jika sudah sehat (biasanya secara optimal bisa makan waktu 2 - 3 tahun, 
ini meliputi perbaikan prasarana, pembangunan cold storage + pabrik pakan dan 
manajemen) , maka "hiu" siap dilepas utk mencari laba.

  3. Pertanyaannya apakah "hiu" ini semakin sehat atau lebih banyak bolak balik 
ke meja operasi? Secara jangka pendek (dalam 6 - 12 bulan), jika ada kenaikan 
produksi 50%, maka bisa dikatakan "hiu" bertambah sehat. Ini adalah indikasi 
yang paling sederhana.

  4. Saya melihat CPRO sekarang sudah  "on the right track". Secara pasar di 
tahun 2009 - 2010, apakah orang masih suka dan mau makan udang? Kalau ya, maka 
prediksi Pak Victorinus Andrew  bisa menjadi kenyataan. Banyak org yang dari 
makan tempe akan makan kaviar.. Atau Elaine prediksi TP 2000?

  5. Terakhir, semua investasi ada resiko. Dan sekali lagi saya belajar dari 
Bp. SB, kita berusaha secara maksimal dan sisanya serahkan ke YME.

  Ini penting supaya bisa tidur enak, karena di biz tambak resikonya tinggi 
sekali juga. Jika ada sakit, bakteri, virus atau perubahan pola makan, maka 
bukan tidak mungkin kebangkrutan di depan mata.


  Semoga bermanfaat.

----- Original Message ----

  From: Salomo Gaol <salomogaol@ gmail. com>

  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

  Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 7:13:20 PM

  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUY CPRO!


  as the old saying goes:

  i will believe only after i put my finger to the hand!



On 6/23/08, boyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com.sg> wrote:

  > LOL... kamu lucu deh, honey.  [:p]

  > Jadi hari ini kamu beli CPRO? ...




  > --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, "Elaine Sui"

  > <you.can.call. me.elaine@ ...> wrote:


  >> *Here comes the shocking news!*


  >> Sector: Aquaculture


  >> *CPRO – Central Proteinaprima, Tbk (CPRO IJ)*


  >> IDR 250/Target Price: IDR 2000something




  >> With neither governments nor oil companies looking like they are going

  > to

  >> take any action, the current high oil prices are likely to continue

  > for some

  >> time. Gas prices at the filling station will stay high too, so the

  > average

  >> motorist is going to get no relief from the huge monthly gas bills he

  > or she

  >> is facing. As a result of this, there are products on the market

  > claiming

  >> that they can tell you how to "run your car on shrimp" - this sounds

  > too

  >> good to be true, so what's the truth?




  >> The truth is actually somewhere between the fact and the hype. What

  > these

  >> systems do is feed SHRIMP gas into your engine along with the regular

  >> gasoline. SHRIMP gas is created by passing an electrical current, say

  > from

  >> your car battery, through plain shrimp. Remember your chemistry from

  > High

  >> School? The formula for shrimp is all bull***t - two parts

  > exoskeleton, one

  >> part is whatever. SHRIMP has the same proportions, but the two

  > components

  >> are mixed, rather than chemically combined. The SHRIMP gas increases

  > the

  >> efficiency of your engine dramatically, and although some systems

  > claim a

  >> 100% reduction in fuel consumption, most people achieve an increase in

  > MPG

  >> of about 50% - still pretty impressive!




  >> Right now you're probably thinking that if these products are really

  > that

  >> good, they must be expensive. And where can you get them? In fact, the

  >> components you need are freely available from your local auto parts

  > store or

  >> hardware store, and with just a few tools, and some basic auto

  > maintenance

  >> tools, you can install an SHRIMP system in your car or truck right

  > now! All

  >> you need is a comprehensive guide.




  >> There are a several of these guides available on the internet, but if

  > you

  >> want video instructions, detailed blueprints, and even some help with

  >> finding the components, you should get one of the guides featured

  > here:

  >> Shrimp For Fuel.




  >> Are you sick of high gas prices? Would you like to kick back at

  > government

  >> and oil companies? Do you want to stop polluting our planet? - *Elaine

  > Sui

  >> (OB)*





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