Wow, EL suddenly changed, as actually SHE is a nice, affectionate, warmhearted, 
cute (maybe), a bit demonstrative, though, but caring to all of OB members. But 
as a professional, SHE need to act differently from the way as it should be, 
bottom line is to gain whatever SHE could gain (money, inside info from OB, 
your emotional, your fear/greedy), means everything....
I might pressumed that EL is trying (pretending) to be relax more as something 
is going good (at least in positive direction), right EL. Something that we 
don't know but can feel...
If anybody who has a historical price figures (highest vs current ) in recent 3 
to 5 years of Blue chip stocks, would you please share to us? Probably Excel 
file would be great.


----- Pesan Asli ----
Dari: Elaine Sui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Terkirim: Minggu, 29 Juni, 2008 02:05:39
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] My view on Indonesia and IDX specifically

No need to rush, just exploit the general market weakness. Let's say if a stock 
has a highest price of 1000, you can try to pick them at 500. If its highest is 
at 12000 then 6000-7000 is a good buy. If it was 5000 then 2500-3000 is what I 
call oversold. If it was 34000 then my final buy point will be 16000. Most big 
cap stocks tend to go flat after they decline more than -40% (or even rebound 
very fast like Bumi Resources and Indotambang. . my wildcards).

I agree now is still bear market, but I'd like to quote Mr. Buffett "buy stocks 
that you feel comfortable when the market shuts down for ten years or so". (i 
forgot the exact phrase, but you get the idea) but somehow I feel most of you 
are gamblers, not true investors lol...

Now help me spread the fear so my target will come sooner.... ^_^ Mungkin ada 
tanya apa Elaine yangkut? Elaine jawab pasti ada kalau IDX went below 2100 (I 
hope it wont go that far), tetapi Elaine consistent 1-2 years from now I will 
get like 100% gain to say the least.

Elaine tahu banyak member kesal dengan posting Elaine sounds arrogant and 
misleading. I did that on purpose. What purpose? lol you don't have to know 
that. The funny thing is, when I post something something ugly here (I mean 
REAL fucking ugly both in content or wording), the market shows some volatility 
increase (intraday), is OB really that big? Not just me, when Embah says 
something bold enough, it also shows immediate impact to market volatility.

I guess OB indeed represents the market itself. Fascinating. ..


On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 5:24 PM, sudi.mampir@ <sudi.mampir@> wrote:

Auw..auw..auw. .mantep bgt nih postingan el, ok sayah senen keluarin ember nya, 
klo perlu bak mandi nya sy keluarkan jg ye, hehe..
Pasukan bull, satu komando, serbuuu!

Elaine Sui wrote:
>             So, sell your stocks to me as cheap as possible. Elaine sudah 
> lama tanya mau crash atau tidak, but I see many ppl want that too, so I guess 
> i think it's not gonna happen (crash) but it will decline persistently little 
> by little. Until when? Until Bernanke raises the fed rate.
>  Now CNBC said that also (bear market) lol.. For traders maybe it'd be the 
> best to stay out for a while, but for ME it's just another entry point. 
> Stressed they say? Well, it depends on where you put your money at and -of 
> course- your investment timeframe.
>  I believe (and I think others too) that bull and bear season is not forever. 
> Yeah, I know the economy is still weak, stocks decline and inflation rate 
> soars. But think of this, if you read the news, there are so many strategic 
> action by investors (either by acquisition or even a hostile takeover) happen 
> out there. If the economy is THAT bad, it'd be no action like that, but it 
> happens.
>  Forgive me for being a contrarian, I see this is a good opportunity. . to 
> invest. I believe Indonesia has a good future, way better than Singapore or 
> Malaysia. 3-4 years from now I believe you're all waay richer than today. Why 
> fret with the daily volatility?. Stop acting like you're a psychic. Stop 
> speculating. Invest as it was meant to be.
>  And the time is now. Like I always said before, I get everything at 50% 
> discount (from their peak), maybe it will decline to 60% or even 70%, well I 
> don't care. My investors don't care. There are always risk, but we can bear 
> that cuz we believe in fundametals.
>  Thank you, for everything. Sincerely yours, Elaine


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