Hi friend,

maybe we'd answer WHAT, WHO, WHY, HOW ; but  WHEN ?

I think this is  not  the good time. This is bear's time, we all know it.



--- On Sat, 6/28/08, hidayat.ardiansyah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: hidayat.ardiansyah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] My view on Indonesia and IDX specifically
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, June 28, 2008, 1:17 PM

            Kenapa disaat bearish selalu banyak posting yang pesimistik, 
worried, stress and any other suck think
market mau bullish atau bearish itu adalah siklus, dan setiap siklus menurut 
saya selalu ada opportunity didalamnya.. . sangat rugi sekali jika kita cuma 
main disaat bullish saja, dan take a rest saat bearish... ingat apa yang pernah 
disampaikan master DE tentang siklus market. dimana selalu ada sektor yang show 
up di setiap session nya.. baik itu bullish atau bearish, jadi apapun kodisi 
market saat ini, tidak menghalangi kita to get profit.

strategi penting diterapkan every session market, as a trader harus selective 
buy ambil barang yang masih show in di saat bearish saat ini, jangan ambil 
pisau jatuh….bisa berdarah darah, gada yang garansi….

Jadi investor, like El said, it's discount price any stock yang sudah lama di 
down grade… posisi 60-80% from peak, I think it's good time to entry, portion 
of risk and reward still good enough dimana risk sudah terbatas jika terjadi 
penurunan dan reward yang mungkin bisa didapat  sangat bagus, maybe we can get 
100% in gain. But still remember that as an investor time frame itu penting, 1 
year atau lebih, jangan ngomong investor klo Cuma main buat 2-3 bulan, apalagi 
main Cuma 1 minggu… dijamin pasti stress

Oya sekedar mengingatkan aja, untuk market US dengan market IDX mungkin 
kontrarian…. Ingat petuah dari Boss Oen, IDX punya saham saham 'mahal' yang 
liquid,  Boss bisa saja tahan index hanya dengan mengerek bebepa saham index 
mover tsb jadi tergantung Boss mau dibawa kemana marketnya, so ga usah terlalu 
berharap banyak jika market US jebol market IDX bakal jebol. Sebaiknya 
perhatikan ke stock masing masing..... kecuali klo kita main index bukan main 


So don't be afraid, still optimist, focus for your plant and get Cuan!!


On 6/28/08, Elaine Sui <you.can.call. me.elaine@ gmail.com> wrote:

So, sell your stocks to me as cheap as possible. Elaine sudah lama tanya mau 
crash atau tidak, but I see many ppl want that too, so I guess i think it's not 
gonna happen (crash) but it will decline persistently little by little. Until 
when? Until Bernanke raises the fed rate.

Now CNBC said that also (bear market) lol. For traders maybe it'd be the best 
to stay out for a while, but for ME it's just another entry point. Stressed 
they say? Well, it depends on where you put your money at and -of course- your 
investment timeframe.

I believe (and I think others too) that bull and bear season is not forever.. 
Yeah, I know the economy is still weak, stocks decline and inflation rate soars.

But think of this, if you read the news, there are so many strategic action by 
investors (either by acquisition or even a hostile takeover) happen out there. 
If the economy is THAT bad, it'd be no action like that, but it happens.

Forgive me for being a contrarian, I see this is a good opportunity. . to 
invest. I believe Indonesia has a good future, way better than Singapore or 
Malaysia. 3-4 years from now I believe you're all waay richer than today. Why 
fret with the daily volatility?. Stop acting like you're a psychic. Stop 
speculating. Invest as it was meant to be.

And the time is now. Like I always said before, I get everything at 50% 
discount (from their peak), maybe it will decline to 60% or even 70%, well I 
don't care. My investors don't care. There are always risk, but we can bear 
that cuz we believe in fundametals.

Thank you, for everything.

Sincerely yours,







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